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Nome persona: Jabir ibn Hayyan sec. VIII-IX
Visto da: Gabir Ibn Haiyan
Geber sec. VIII-IX
Gabir Ibn Hayyan
Trovato in: URBS (Gabir ibn Hayyan)
RAK (Gabir ibn Haiyan)
Bibliotheca chemica : a bibliography of books on alchemy, chemistry and pharmaceutics / John Ferguson. London : Derek Verschoyle academic and bibliographical publications, 1954 (Geber, sec. VIII-IX)
Dictionary of scientific biography / Charles Coulston Gillispie, editor in chief. New York : Charles Scribner's sons, 1981
A historical catalogue of scientists and scientific books : from the earliest times to the close of the Nineteenth century / Robert Mortimer Gascoigne. New York [etc.] : Garland, 1984
DUVEEN (Geber, sec. VIII-IX)
Dati stor. biogr.: Alchimista
Nota di lavoro: Datazione incerta e controversa: secondo alcune fonti attivo nei sec. VIII-IX, secondo altre nel sec. VIII, secondo altre ancora nel sec. XII
Da non confondere con Jabir ibn Aflah, astronomo e matematico