The search engine allows an integrated consultation of the Museo Galileo’s collections and the databases produced in connection with the various research and study projects. It currently includes approximately 350,000 entries related to:
- publications owned by the library or mentioned in the bibliographies
- manuscript collections from the library archive and documents of Galilean interest housed at other institutions
- historical, modern and digital photographs
- scientific instruments displayed in the Museum
- medals
Over 50,000 documents are available in digital format: most of them are freely accessible, some others have internal access only.
The Library Catalogue, the Galilean International Bibliography, the Archive (also including the Archive of the R. Museum of Physics and Natural History of Florence, the Congresses of Italian Scientists Archive and the catalogue of the Galilean Collection of the National central library of Florence), the Iconographic Archive, the Museum and warehouse collections and more can be consulted separately by selecting a specific database.
here for search tips.