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Autore principale:Dmitriev, Igor Sergeevic.
Titolo:A vse-taki oni pisut : process nad Galileem v trudah sovremeniih rossijskih intellektualov / I.S. Dmitriev.
Note:Tit. traslitterato
Abstract:Abastract: And still they write... (The trial of Galileo as interpreted by contemporary Russian intellectuals). This essay offers a critical review of S.V. Deviatova and V.I. Kuptsov's 2011 paper, The fate of Nicolaus Copernicus, and of several other recent Russian works on Galileo's trial. It points out numerous factual errors and discusses interpretations of the nature and causes of the 1633 inquisition against Galileo. Contrary to the assertions of Devyatova and Kuptsov, it can be demonstrated that Urban VIII put Galileo on trial not for the defense of Copernican theory as such, but because of the latter's conviction that science can reveal true causal relations in nature, which put into question God's omnipotence.  
Visionato in:IMSS
In:Voprosy istorii estestvoznaniia i tekhniki    3 (2012), p. 29-55
Discipline:Religione e scienza--Persone.
Persone:Galilei, Galileo, 1564-1642--Processo.
Galilei, Galileo, 1564-1642--Storiografia.
Sudd. cronologiche:Secolo XVII.
Secolo XXI.