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Autore principale:International congress for the history of medicine (39 :, 2004 : Bari).
Titolo:Vol. I.
Pubblicazione:[Bari :  Università di Bari],  2004.  
Descrizione fisica:572 p.  
Note:Contributi anche in inglese e francese
Visionato in:IMSS
In:International congress for the history of medicine (39 : 2004 : Bari)  39th International congress on the history of medicine.  Bari : [Università di Bari] : [poi] Progedit, 2004-2006.    Vol. I. 2004
Discipline:Medicina--Studi specifici.
Contiene:Cule, John 1920-2015.  Welsh medical captain in Magna Graecia.    
Gadebusch Bondio, Mariacarla.  Better than the natural nose....    
Cule, John 1920-2015.  Medical history for the medical student.    
Nissen, Cécile.  Sanctuaire thérapeutique de Mên à Antioche de Pisidie.    
Diamandopoulos, Athanasios A.  Early clues on statistical analysis in medicine from Galen's writings.    
Vanagt, Katrien.  Kepler among the doctors.    
Abbou Herskovits, Keren.  It might have been different.    
Bates, Alan W.  Post-mortem examination of conjoined twins in early modern Europe.    
Dahl, Thomas.  Patient approaches in scientific based medicine and humoral pathology.    
De Toma, Stefania.  Marcello Malpighi e Giovanni Girolamo Sbaraglia.    
Dibattista, Liborio.  Applications de la méthode graphique de E.J. Marey à la neurophysiologie et à la clinique.    
Mandyla, Maria.  Greece and Magna Graecia.    
Marcum, James A.  Claude Bernard, John Call Dalton jr. and the experimental method in American medicine.    
Conti, Andrea Alberto 1971-  Updated history of the concept of placebo.    
Spiropoulos, Theodore.  Can contemporary medicine explain the placebo effect?.    
Limam, Ridha.  Anciennes fonctions médicales des sites archéologiques à Porto-Farina.    
Ottaviani, Raimonda.  H. Dunant e i soccorsi ai marinai.    
Ponte, Euro.  Malattie dei marittimi tra il 1700 e il 1800 in due porti dell'alto Adriatico.    
Lippi, Donatella.  Storia della medicina come esperienza formativa nel curriculum del medico.    
Papadopoulos, Georgios.  Some thoughts on studying and teaching the history of pharmacology and pharmacotherapy.    
Strandberg, Hindrik.  Education on the history of medicine and health care in Finland.    
Kabanova, Svetlana Aleksandrovna.  History of plastic surgery in Russia.    
Kalantzis, George.  Cyclopia.    
Kassimatis, Theodoros.  Paulus's Aegineta contribution to plastic surgery.    
Musajo Somma, Alfredo.  Parum affinitas in chirurgia plastica.    
Musajo Somma, Laura.  Pionieri della chirurgia plastica nel territorio della Magna Graecia.    
Erdemir, Aysegül Demirhan.  Perspective to two articles of prof. dr. Besim Omer Akalin (a famous Turkish physician) on health and sport.    
Kontopoulou, Theano D.  Physical training.    
Lomi, Constantina.  Sir Ludwig Guttmann, the de Coubertin of the paralysed.    
Veneziani, Sabrina.  Dall'antichità classica a Girolamo Mercuriale.    
Aksu, Murat.  Village institutes and health education in Turkey.    
Albou, Philippe.  Laboratoire d'Alzheimer à Munich, ou la naissance de l'histopathologie moderne du cortex cérébral.    
History of medicine in ancient Iran and after Islam appearance.    
Bagni, Nello.  Mail disinfection in Italy during cholera epidemic.    
Baran, Dana.  Cibo, salute e immortalità nelle tradizioni romene.    
Collins, Kenneth.  Trachoma in Palestine during the British mandate, 1918-1948.    
Cruz-Coke, Ricardo 1925-  Medical doctors and social revolutions.    
De Santo, Natale Gaspare.  Pierre-Joseph Desault (1738-1785), a forerunner of modern medical teaching and a founder of nephrology.    
Dramur, Rengin.  Signatures des médecins et des pharmaciens qui se trouvent sur les ordonnances de l'Hôpital et de la pharmacie d'Enderun au Palais de Topkapi.    
Fasani, Giovanni.  Condizioni sociosanitarie dell'infanzia a Cremona nell'Ottocento.    
Gaballo, Marcello.  Catalogo delle opere mediche a stampa della Biblioteca comunale A. Vergari di Nardò, Lecce.    
Gasiorowski, Jakub.  Medical studies of the poles in exile during World War II.    
Herrera Fuentes, Linda Mercedes.  Double helix.    
Iorio, Luigi.  Development of nephrology in the monastic era, from 8th to 12th century.    
Joutsivuo, Timo.  Affections of mind in Santorio Santorio's De statica medicina.    
Kâhya, Esin.  Herba thyme as a drug.    
Kamaci, Fatimatüz Zehra.  Alcohol in Ibn Abi Usaybia's (d. 1270 A.D.) records.    
Lagonia, Paolo.  Vaiolo in Calabria tra il XIX ed il XX secolo.    
Leopizzi, Marcella.  Idées médicales de Giulio Cesare Vanini.    
Merrill, Joseph M.  Art and religion fused to sustain a hospital for 600 years.    
Musajo Somma, Alfredo.  Physician-philosopher.    
Ozturk, Levent.  Social life of the christian physicians in Ibn Abi Usaybia's (d. 1270 A.D.) records.    
Obstetric procedures that are obsolete and their relative instrumentation.    
Radu, Adrian.  Corps humain et maladie chez Céline, Sartre et Malraux.    
Roquigny, Jean-Pierre.  Petite histoire de la decouverte du cristallin et de la comprehension de la constitution de la cataracte, de l'antiquité au 7 avril 1705.    
Rosso, Ana María.  Du sommeil aux songes.    
Sanfilippo y Borras, José Manuel.  Cura della lucertola, un trattamento contro la sifilide dal secolo XVIII.    
Supady, Jerzy.  Diseases and medicine of Soviet camps described in personal records of the previous gulag prisoners.    
Vanni, Duccio.  Sui Principi elementari di frenologia del dottore Giuseppe Canziani (1838).    
Vannini de Gerulewicz, Marisa.  Erbario medicinale magico folklorico sudamericano.    
Vanzan, Anna.  Melancholy and Islam.    
Viesca T., Carlos.  Pathological representations in Mexican prehispanic plastic arts.    
Zacchino, Marinella.  Fegato come hostia.    
Yilmaz, Saim.  Christian physicians religious life in Ibn Abi Usaybia's (d. 1270 A.D.) records.    
Alexandraki, Kris.  Fattori che hanno provocato la diffusione e la propagazione della peste nella Grecia medievale.    
Kâhya, Esin.  Rose, its usage in the course of history and nowadays.    
Collocazione:LS 15806
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