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Autore principale:Lalli, Roberto.
Titolo:Esperimenti di ether-drift nel XX secolo : casi storici a confronto: effetto Sagnac (Francia, 1913) ed esperimenti di Miller (USA, 1921-26) / Roberto Lalli.
Note:Tesi di dottorato in Storia internazionale, XXIII ciclo, Università degli studi di Milano, 2011
Tutor: Pasquale Tucci
Abstract:One of the most studied topics of the history of modern physics is the transition between the 19th century Newtonian world-view and the 20th century physics based on the development of relativity theories and quantum mechanics. After Kuhn's definition of scientific revolution and normal science, several scholars considered the creation, development and reception of special and general relativity theories a scientific revolution. In particular, this thesis refers to Renn's writings, which defined relativity revolution the process that led to 'the introduction of fundamentally new concepts of space, time, matter and radiation' in 1905, and was completed with Einstein's creation of the theory of general relativity in 1915. One of the main features of the relativity revolution was the explicit dismissal of the luminiferous ether as the real support of the light and/or electromagnetic waves. The conceptual changes linked to the relativistic physical theories (including the refusal of the ether) caused several kinds of controversies within the national scientific communities. Some scientists opposed Einstein's theories on the basis of epistemological analysis and metaphysical conceptions of reality. This field of study is considered to be part of the historiographical context of the reception of relativity and the few scholars who concerned themselves with the analysis of this framework underlined the existence of national differences in the reception of the physical meanings and epistemological features of the relativistic theories. The thesis is a part of this (not developed) historiographical context, and it approaches some specific experimental issues whose features have never been analysed in their complexity. At the beginning of the 20th century (in the period of relativity revolution) two ether-drift experiments were performed, which created a debate on their relevance and meaning within the framework of relativity theories: the discovery of the Sagnac effect (Paris, 1913) and Miller's repetition of the Michelson-Morley experiment (Mount Wilson, CA, 1921-26) [...]  
Altri autori:Tucci, Pasquale, 1943-
Università degli studi (Milano).
Collezione tematica:Tesi di dottorato di interesse storico-scientifico (Italia).