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Autore principale: | Venturini, Ilaria.
Titolo: | Male e malattia in Georges Canguilhem / Ilaria Venturini. |
Note: | Tesi di dottorato in Storia delle idee, filosofia e scienza, XXV ciclo, Scuola normale superiore di Pisa, Istituto italiano di scienze umane di Firenze, Université Panthéon-Sorbonne di Parigi, 2015 Tutor: Jean-François Braunstein, Gilberto Corbellini |
Abstract: | This thesis aims to analyze the genesis of Georges Canguilhem's most ambitious work, the "Essais sur quelques problèmes concernant le normal et le pathologique". The first chapter, Esprit, presents Canguilhem's juvenile philosophy, heavily influenced by Alain's reflexive approach, as a spiritualistic mixture of Cartesian and Kantian Rationalism from which the experience of war and the decision to study medicine progressively drive Canguilhem away. The second chapter, Vie, shows how the practice of Resistance and medicine, together with a reinterpretation of Bergson's vitalism, draw the author's attention towards life. Life inherits the powers that reflexive philosophy assigned to the spirit while the spirit, divesting an exorbitant Rationalism, reintegrates its sensible and affective functions. Under this anthropological point of view, Canguilhem's notion of biological normativity is presented. The third chapter, Homme, considers it as an answer Lo Comte's notion of normality, based on a non-naturalistic psychology, which Canguilhem learns attending Lagache's course "Psychologie pathologique", as well as on German Wertphilosophie and Dupréel's Axiologie, which the author deals with in his course "Les normes et le normal". Canguilhem's detour via life sciences appears as a Metaphysical exercise intending to regain sensitivity to transcendental subjectivity. This reflection on disease reveals itself to be a meditation on evil, considered not as a non-existent or malevolent being but as a form of human evolutionary dialectic |
Altri autori: | Braunstein, Jean-François.
Corbellini, Gilberto, 1958- Istituto italiano di scienze umane (Firenze). Scuola normale superiore (Pisa). Université Panthéon-Sorbonne (Paris). |
Collezione tematica: | Tesi di dottorato di interesse storico-scientifico (Italia).
000001092165 |