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Autore principale:International congress of the history of science (20 :, 1997 : Liège).
Titolo:Science, technology and political change / edited by Dieter Hoffmann, Benoît Severyns and Raymond G. Stokes.
Descrizione fisica:226 p.  
Serie:De diversis artibus ; 41
In:International congress of the history of science (20 : 1997 : Liège)  Proceedings of the XXth International congress of history of science, Liège, 20-26 July 1997.  Turnhout : Brepols, [1999]-2002.    1
Altri autori:Hoffmann, Dieter, 1948-
Stokes, Raymond G.
Severyns, Benoît.
Contiene:Stokes, Raymond G.  Bread, beauty and prosperity!.    
Ségal, Jérôme.  Introduction de la cybernétique en RDA rencontres avec l'idéologie marxiste.    
Palló, Gábor.  Anti-totalitarian research programs and their tacit components.    
Savchuk, Warfolomey.  Applied sciences in Ukraine and the activities of the zemstvo (municipal government) in the second half of the 19th century.    
Konovets, Olexander.  Information field of the history of science in Ukraine in the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century.    
Onoprienko, Valentin.  Science and state.    
Masiulis, Kestutis.  Science in a totalitarian society.    
Martinson, Helle.  History of science in Estonia.    
Tankler, Hain.  Science on the borderline of two cultures.    
Bolotovskij, Boris Mikhailovich.  Brothers Nicolai and Sergei Vavilov and Stalin's dictatorship.    
Bakasova, Zaryl B.  Natural and technical sciences in Kyrghyzstan and their contemporary status.    
Pereira, Amélia.  Physique et le pouvoir politique au Portugal dans les année 40.    
Yoshida, Haruyo.  World War I and the study of geomagnetism in Japan.    
Szabó, József N.  Wissenschaftspolitik und technische Bildung im Dienst der sozialistischen Industrialisierung Herbst 1946-48.    
Collocazione:Cons. St. Scienza G 001/ 20
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