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Autore principale:International congress of the history of science (20 :, 1997 : Liège).
Titolo:Scientific instruments and museums / edited by Maurice Dorikens.
Descrizione fisica:338 p.   
Serie:De diversis artibus ; 59
In:International congress of the history of science (20 : 1997 : Liège)  Proceedings of the XXth International congress of history of science, Liège, 20-26 July 1997.  Turnhout : Brepols, [1999]-2002.    16
Altri autori:Dorikens, Maurice.
Contiene:Symons, Sarah L.  Egyptian shadow clocks.    
Taub, Liba Chaia 1954-  Determing the equinox in Alexandria.    
Mills, Allan A.  Sunlight and shadows.    
Triarico, Carlo.  Old and the new Florentine gnomon.    
Bessot, Didier.  Projections géométriques et gnomonique au XVIIe siècle.    
Viladrich, Mercè.  Medieval Islamic horary quadrants for specific latitudes.    
Faidit, Jean Michel.  Cadran astronomique, géographique et lunaire du père Emmanuel de Vivier.    
Anderson, Robert Geoffrey William 1944-  Instruments, inventories and catalogues.    
Dorikens, Maurice.  Problems and solutions in cataloguing a university museum.    
Evans, Rand B.  Dividing the effort.    
Clifton, Gloria.  Directory of British scientific instruments makers and its use in research.    
Brenni, Paolo 1954-2021.  Italian scientific instrument heritage.    
Tapdrup, Jan.  Instruments in Denmark.    
Le Guet Tully, Françoise.  Inventaire du patrimoine astronomique en France.    
Lopes, Maria Margaret.  Latin American museums.    
Rambaldi, Gabriella.  Inventory of the instruments belonging to Cannizzaro's laboratory in Genoa (1855-1861).    
Kriis-Ilves, Leili.  Chemical instruments and collections from the 19th century in the history museum of Tartu university.    
Palladino, Franco.  Fondi italiani di antichi modelli e strumenti matematici.    
Faraggiana, Giorgio.  Strumenti e le attrezzature del laboratorio di costruzioni della Regia scuola di applicazione per gl'ingegneri di Torino.    
Oestmann, Günther.  Measuring and dating the Arabic celestial globe at Dresden.    
Malaquias, Isabel Maria.  Instruments, instruments-makers and the new physics.    
Guijarro Mora, Víctor.  Policy and scientific instrumentation in Spain during the 18th and 19th centuries.    
Hollo, Szilvia Andrea.  Astronomical instrument makers in Hungary between 1730 to 1830.    
Zaun, Jörg 1963-  Success of the German instrument industry and the role of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Mechanik und Optik.    
Collocazione:Cons. St. Scienza G 001/ 20
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