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Autore principale:Cocchi, Antonio, 1695-1758.
Titolo:Un carteggio inedito tra Antonio Cocchi e Giovanni Bianchi / [a cura di] Stefano de Carolis, Andra A. Conti, Donatella Lippi.
Abstract:Giovanni Bianchi (alias Iano Planco, 1693-1775), physician, scientist, scholar and versatile writer, represents the most relevant personality of the cultural milieu of Rimini (Emilia Romagna, Italy) during the XVIII century. In his palace, furnished with a rich library and a varied collection, he created a private school, in which dozens of pupils were educated. The correspondence examined in the present paper provides evidence of one of Bianchi's many exchanges of letters: in this case, with the famous physician and naturalist Antonio Cocchi, called "Mugellano" (1695-1758). This important collection of letters spans a well defined period; however, it is well known that autograph papers of Bianchi are full of reminescences and references regarding Cocchi  
Visionato in:IMSS
In:Nuncius    A. 18, fasc. 2 (2003), p. 619-636
Altri autori:Conti, Andrea Alberto, 1971-
Bianchi, Giovanni, 1693-1775,  (coautore.)
Lippi, Donatella.
De Carolis, Stefano.
Discipline:Medicina--Testi e Carteggi.
Keyword:Testi e Carteggi--Medicina.
Sudd. cronologiche:Secolo XVIII.