Scepsis scientifica or, Confest ignorance, the Way to science (1665) ; Scire/i tuum nihil est or, The authors defence of the vanity of dogmatizing (1665) / Joseph Glanvill.
Nachdruck der Ausg. London 1665
Descrizione fisica:
184, 91 p.
Rirpr. facs. delle ed.: Scepsis scientifica, or Confest ignorance, the way to science, in an essay of the vanity of dogmatizing and confident opinion, with a reply to the exceptions of the learned Thomas Albius / by Joseph Glanvill. London : printed by E. Cotes for Henry Eversden at the Gray-Hound in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1665; Scire tuum nihi l est, or The author's defence of the vanity of dogmatizing against the exceptions of the learned Tho. Albius in his late sciri . London : printed by E.C. for Henry Eversden at the Grey-Hound in St. Pauls-Church-yard, 1665