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Autore principale:Zambelli, Paola, 1936-
Titolo:Alexandre Koyré : da Descartes a Galileo / Paola Zambelli.
Abstract:Alexandre Koyré : from Descartes to Galileo - Alexandre Koyré defines classic physics with the names of Galileo and Descartes. In Paris in the 30s, Koyré dedicated courses to Galileo and wrote the Études galiléennes, but in 1937 he also took part in the congress celebrating the centenary of the Discours de la méthode, and he held in Cairo a course on Descartes (repeated in 1951 in the USA). Since the 1923 thesis on the Cartesian proofs of the existence of God, Koyré had combined ideas and methods of Husserl and Lévy-Bruhl. (the revealing reading of Cassirer must be placed next to his two teachers). Lévy-Bruhl had declared that in Descartes only physics is deprived of scholasticism and Koyré in the 20s did not deal with his phyisics. Koyré overturned the Duhemian theses on the relation of modern science with scholasticism, insisting on mathematical Platonism that Husserl had inspired in him, along with the theses that in Descartes doubt is 'active' as in the phenomenological epoché, and that the fundamentalnotions of mathematical physics (number, line, triangle, circle) are innate ideas. Koyré insisted on the notion of the infinite, on Archimedean space and on the abandon of the classical and medieval idea of cosmos, still referred to by Copernicus and Kepler.  
Visionato in:IMSS
In:Letture galileiane (2005 : Firenze)  Galileo nella storiografia del Novecento.    p. 19-32
Discipline:Scienze--Persone: Storici.
Persone:Koyré, Alexandre, 1892-1964.
Descartes, René, 1596-1650--Storiografia.
Galilei, Galileo, 1564-1642--Storiografia.
Galilei, Galileo e Descartes, R.
Descartes, René e Galilei, G.
Keyword:Keywords--Platonismo e neoplatonismo.
Sudd. cronologiche:Secolo XVII.
Secolo XX.