Adam's ancestors : race, religion, and the politics of human origins / David N. Livingstone.
Baltimore : The Johns Hopkins university press, c2008.
Descrizione fisica:
X, 301 p. : ill., ritr. ; 24 cm
Medicine, science and religion in historical context
Indice: Preface. 1. Beginnings: questioning the mosaic record 2. Heresy: Isaac La Peyrere and the pre-Adamite scandal 3. Polity: the cultural politics of the Adamic narrative 4. Apologetics: pre-Adamism and the harmony of science and religion 5. Anthropology: Adam, Adamites, and the science of ethnology 6. Ancestors: evolution and the birth of Adam 7. Bloodlines: pre-Adamism and the politics of racial supremacy 8. Shadows: the continuing legacy of pre-Adamite discourse 9. Dimensions: concluding reflections. Notes. Bibliography. Index