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Titolo:Science and law / edited by Tal Golan, guest editor, and Snait Gissis.
Note:Numero monografico
In:Science in context    vol. 12, no. 1 (Spring 1999), p. 1-243
Altri autori:Golan, Tal.
Gissis, Snait B.
Discipline:Scienze--Studi specifici.
Scienze sociali--Studi.
Sudd. cronologiche:Secolo XIX.
Secolo XX.
Contiene:Golan, Tal.  History of scientific expert testimony in the English courtroom.    
Voelkel, James Robert.  Publish or perish.    
Riskin, Jessica.  Lawyer and the lightning rod.    
Schweber, Howard.  Law and the natural sciences in nineteenth-century American universities.    
Rudavsky, Shari.  Separating spheres.    
Cole, Simon A.  What counts for identity?.    
Dumit, Joseph.  Objective brains, prejudicial images.    
Landecker, Hannah.  Between beneficence and chattel.    
Ben-Menahem, Hanina.  Law and science.    