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History versus science in science museums?
challenges old and new Wess, Jane    Anno: 2011
Wess, Jane
History versus science in science museums? : challenges old and new / Jane Wess.
In: Science & culture. Institut d'histoire et de philosophie des sciences et des techniques. p. 776-780
Inside the atom
two sides of a story Wess, Jane    Anno: 2010
Wess, Jane
Inside the atom : two sides of a story / Jane Wess.
In: Illuminating instruments. p. 115-129
Lecture demonstrations and the real world
the case of cart-wheels Wess, Jane    Anno: 1995
Wess, Jane
Lecture demonstrations and the real world : the case of cart-wheels / Jane Wess.
In: Science lecturing in the eighteenth century. p. 79-90
The logic demonstrators of the 3rd Earl Stanhope (1753-1816)
Wess, Jane    On circular logic demonstrators by Charles Mahon, 3rd Earl Stanhope, recently acquired by the Science Museum, London Anno: 1997
Wess, Jane
The logic demonstrators of the 3rd Earl Stanhope (1753-1816) / Jane Wess.
In: Annals of science Vol. 54 (1997), p. 375-395
Mathematical knowledge in navigation
[Risorsa elettronica] : exploring the transfer of skills in the year up to the almanack Wess, Jane    Anno: 2012
Wess, Jane
Mathematical knowledge in navigation [Risorsa elettronica] : exploring the transfer of skills in the year up to the almanack / Jane Wess.
In: Circulation of mathematical knowledge in 18th century Britain. p. 548-554
Navigation and mathematics
a match made in the heavens? Wess, Jane    Anno: 2016
Wess, Jane
Navigation and mathematics : a match made in the heavens? / Jane Wess.
In: Navigational enterprises in Europe and its empires, 1730-1850. p. 201-222
Morton, Alan Q.
Public and private science : the King George III collection / Alan Q. Morton and Jane A. Wess.
Oxford : Oxford university press : Science Museum, 1993.