Grosseteste, Robert, ca. 1168-1253 |
Commentarius in Posteriorum analyticorum libros / Robertus Grosseteste ; introduzione e testo critico a cura di Pietro Rossi |
Firenze : Olschki, 1981. |
Knowing and speaking : Robert Grosseteste's De artibus liberalibus, On the liberal arts and De generatione sonorum, On the generation of sounds / under the aegis of The ordered universe research project |
2019. |
In: Scientific works of Robert Grosseteste. 1 |
Grosseteste, Robert, ca. 1168-1253 |
Libellus Linconiensis de phisicis lineis, angulis et figuris, per quas omnes acciones naturales complentur / [edente Andr. Stiborius Boius] |
Nurenbergae : [Johann Weissenburger], 1503. |
Grosseteste, Robert, ca. 1168-1253 |
La luce / Roberto Grossatesta ; introduzione, testo latino, traduzione e commento di Cecilia Panti ; prefazione di Pietro Bassiano Rossi |
Pisa : Plus, c2011. |
Mapping the Universe : Robert Grosseteste's De sphera, On the Sphere |
2023. |
In: Scientific works of Robert Grosseteste. |
Grosseteste, Robert, ca. 1168-1253 |
Metafisica della luce / Roberto Grossatesta ; introduzione, traduzione e note di Pietro Rossi |
Milano : Rusconi, 1986. |
Grosseteste, Robert, ca. 1168-1253 |
On the six days of creation / Robert Grosseteste ; a translation of the Hexaëmeron by C.F.J. Martin |
Oxford : Oxford university press, 1999. |
Grosseteste, Robert, ca. 1168-1253 |
Robert Grosseteste's Compotus / edited by Alfred Lohr and C. Philipp E. Nothaft |
Oxford : Oxford university press, 2019. |
Grosseteste, Robert, ca. 1168-1253 |
Roberti Grosseteste De artibus liberalibus / edited by Sigbjorn Olsen Sonnesyn ; translated by Sigbjorn Olsen Sonnesyn |
In: Knowing and speaking. p. 73-95 |
Grosseteste, Robert, ca. 1168-1253 |
Roberti Grosseteste De generatione sonorum / edited by Sgbjorn Olsen Sonnesyn ; translated by Sigbjorn Olsen Sonnesyn |
In: Knowing and speaking. p. 243-255 |
Tommaso d'Aquino, santo, ca. 1225-1274 |
S. Thomae Aquinatis In octo Physicorum Aristotelis libros commentaria : ex vetustissimo ac fidissimo manu scripto exemplari ... : cum duplici textus traslatione, antiqua, & Argyropoli recognitis. Ad haec accessit Roberti Linconiensis in eosdem Summa .. |
Venetiis : apud Hieronymus Scotum, 1595. |
The scientific works of Robert Grosseteste / series editors Giles E.M. Gasper ... [et al.]. |
Oxford : Oxford university press, 2019- |
Sacrobosco, Ioannes de, ca. 1195-1256 |
Sphera : cum commentis in hoc volumine contentis, videlicet: Cic[c]hi Esculani cum textu, Expositio Joannis Baptiste Capuani in eandem, Jacobi Fabri Stapulensis, Theodosij De speris, Michaelis Scoti, Q[uesti]ones ... Petri de Aliaco etc., Roberti Linchoniensis Compendium, Tractatus de sphera solida, Tractatus de sphera Campani, Tractatus de computo maiori eiusdem, Disputatio Joannis de Monte Regio, Textus Theorice cu[m] expo[sitio]ne Joa[n]nis Baptiste Capuani, Ptolomeus De speculis. |
Venetijs : impensa heredum quondam domini Octauiani Scoti Modoetiensis ac sociorum, 19 Januarij 1518. |
Grosseteste, Robert, ca. 1168-1253 |
Summa Lincolniensis super octo libris Physicorum Aristotelis / Robert Grosseteste. Expositio super octo libros physicorum Aristotelis cum ipsius textibus / Thomas von Aquin |
Hildesheim : G. Olms, 2000. |
Thomson, Samuel Harrison, 1895-1975 |
The text of Grosseteste's De cometis / S. Harrison Thomson |
In: Isis Vol. 19 (1933), p. 19-25 |
Grosseteste, Robert, ca. 1168-1253 |
The text of Robert Grosseteste's Questio de fluxu et refluxu maris with an English translation / [edited] by Richard C. Dales. |
In: Isis Vol. 57 (1966), p. 455-474 |