Tacquet, André, 1612-1660 |
Andreae Tacquet ... Elementa Euclidea geometriae planae, ac solidae et selecta ex Archimede theoremata ejusdemque Trigonometria plana / plurimis corollariis, notiis ac schematibus quadraginta illustrata a Gulielmo Whiston ; quibus nunc primum accedunt Trigonometria sphaerica Rogerii Josephi Boscovich S.J. et Sectiones conicae Guidonis Grandi annotationibus satis amplis Octavianis Cameti explicatae . |
Romae : sumtibus Venantii Monaldini bibliopolae ... : typis Hieronymi Mainardi ..., 1745. |
Tacquet, André, 1612-1660 |
Andreae Tacquet Elementa Euclidea geometriae planae ac solidae et selecta ex Archimede theoremata ejusdemque Trigonometria plana / plurimis corollariis, notis ac schematibus quadraginta illustrata a Guilielmo Whiston ; quibus nunc primum accedunt Trigonometria sphaerica Rogerii Josephi Boscovich & Sectiones conicae Guidonis Grandi, annotationibus satis amplis Octaviani Cameti explicatae |
Bassani : sed prostant Venetiis apud Remondini, 1781. |
Tacquet, André, 1612-1660 |
Andreae Tacquet Elementa geometrica et selecta ex Archimede theoremata / summa cura ementada etc. a Gulielmo Whiston |
Cantabrigiae : typis Academicis, 1703. |
Newton, Isaac, 1642-1727 |
Arithmetica universalis, sive, De compositione et resolutione arithmetica liber : cui accessit Halleiana aequationum radices arithmetice inveniendi methodus : in usum juventutis academicae |
Cantabrigiae : typis Academicis ; Londini : impensis Benj. Tooke bibliopolae ..., 1707. |
Whiston, William, 1667-1752 |
Astronomical lectures read in the publick schools at Cambridge [Microform] / by William Whiston ; whereunto is added a collection of astronomical tables ; being those of Mr. Flamsteed, corrected, Dr. Halley, Monsieur Cassini, and Mr. Street ; for the use of young students of the university ; and now done into English |
London : Printed for R. Senex, and W. Taylor, 1715. |
Whiston, William, 1667-1752 |
Astronomical principles of religion, natural and reveal'd / William Whiston ; introduction by James E. Force |
Hildesheim : G. Olms, 1983. |
Whiston, William, 1667-1752 |
Astronomical principles of religion, natural and reveal'd [Microform] : in nine parts ... together with a preface, of the temper of mind necessary for the discovery of divine truth, and of the degree of evidence that ought to be expected in divine matters / by William Whiston |
London : Printed for J. Senex, and W. Taylor, 1717. |
Astronomy / edited by Rob Iliffe |
2004. |
In: Literature and science, 1660-1834. 6 |
Whiston, William, 1667-1752 |
Catalogus omnium operum Whisthonianorum |
In: Acta eruditorum Vol. 47 (1728), p. 121-125 |
Whiston, William, 1667-1752 |
A course of mechanical, magnetical, optical, hydrostatical, and pneumatical experiments [Microform] / to be perform'd by Francis Hauksbee, and the explanatory lectures read by William Whiston, M.A. |
[London : s.n., 1713?] |
Eighteenth century biography of Isaac Newton : the unpublished manuscripts and early texts / edited by Rob Iliffe ; preface by Milo Keynes. |
In: Early biographies of Isaac Newton. 1 |
Tacquet, André, 1612-1660 |
Elementa Euclidea geometriae planae ac solidae et selecta ex Archimede theoremata : quibus accedit trigonometria / auctore Andrea Tacquet ... ; cum notis et additamentis Gulielmi Whiston . |
Neapoli : expensis Benedicti Gessari, 1744. |
Whiston, William, 1667-1752 |
Memoirs of the life and writings of Mr. William Whiston [Microform] / containing memoirs of several of his friends also written by himself |
London : Printed for the Author, and sold by Mr. Whiston, and Mr. Bishop, 1749. |
Whiston, William, 1667-1752 |
A new theory of the Earth : from its original, to the consummation of all things : wherein the creation of the world in six days, the universal deluge, and the general conflagration, as laid down in the Holy Scriptures, are shewn to be perfectly agreeable to reason and philosophy : with a large introductory discourse concerning the genuine nature, stile, and extent of the Mosaick history of the creation / by William Whiston |
London : Printed by R. Roberts, for Benj. Tooke, 1696. |
Whiston, William, 1667-1752 |
A new theory of the earth [Microform] : from its original, to the consummation of all things : wherein the creation of the world in six days, the universal deluge, and the general conflagration, as laid down in the Holy Scriptures, are shewn to be perfectly agreeable to reason and philosophy : with a large introductory discourse concerning the genuine nature, stile, and extent of the Mosaick history of the creation / by William Whiston |
London : Printed by R. Roberts, for Benj. Tooke, 1696. |
Whiston, William, 1667-1752 |
Praelectiones astronomicae Cantabrigiae in scholis publicis habitae / a Guilielmo Whiston |
Cantabrigiae : typis Academicis, 1707. |
Whiston, William, 1667-1752 |
Praelectiones astronomicae Cantabrigiae in scholis publicis habitae [Microform] / a Gulielmo Whiston ; quibus accedunt tabulae plurimae astronomicae Flamstedianae correctae, Hallenianae, Cassinianae, et Streetianae ; in usum Juventutis Academicae |
Londini ; Cantabrigiae : typis Academicis : Impensis Benj. Tooke, 1707. |
Quaderno I, 1970 |
In: Miscellanea Rossi VII: Studi e ricerche al Wolfson College della Cambridge University. 1970 |
Whiston, William, 1667-1752 |
Sir Isaac Newton's mathematick philosophy more easily demonstrated / by William Whiston ; with an introduction to the reprint edition by I. Bernard Cohen |
New York : Johnson reprint corporation, 1972. |
Whiston, William, 1667-1752 |
Sir Isaac Newton's mathematick philosophy more easily demonstrated, with Dr. Halley's account of comets illustrated [Microform] : being forty lectures read in the publick schools at Cambridge / by William Whiston ... ; for the use of the young students there |
London : Printed for J. Senex ... and W. Taylor ..., 1716. |
Whiston, William, 1667-1752 |
Whilhelm Whistons ... Nova telluris theoria das ist, Neue Betrachtung der Erde nach ihren Ursprung und Fortgang bis zur Hervorbringung aller Dinge oder : eine grundliche deutliche...aus dem Englischen / ubersezt von M.M.S.V.D.M. |
Frankfurt : bey Christian Gottlieb Ludwigen, 1713. |