Aleandro, Girolamo, il Giovane, 1574-1629, mittente |
Aleandro Girolamo (il Giovane) a Peiresc Nicolas-Claude Fabri (de), 14 marzo 1619 |
In: Documenti galileiani in biblioteche e archivi italiani e stranieri |
Leurechon, Jean, 1591-1670 |
Mathematicall recreations : or a collection of many problemes extracted out of the ancient and modern philosophers, as secrets and experiments in arithmetick, geometry, cosmographie, horologiographie, astronomie, navigation, musick, opticks, architecture, statick, mechanicks, chemistry, water-works, fire-works etc., not vulgarly manifest till now / written first in Greek and Latin, lately compil'd in French by Henry Van Etten, and now in English with the examinations and augmentations of divers modern mathematicians ; whereunto is added The description and use of the generall horologicall ring, and the double horizontal diall, invented and written by William Oughtred. |
London : printed for William Leake ..., 1653. |
Leurechon, Jean, 1591-1670 |
Récréations mathématiques [Risorsa elettronica] : composées de plusieurs problemes plaisans & facetieux d'arithmetique, geometrie, astrologie, optique, perpsective, mechanique, & d'autres rares & curieux secrets ... : premiere ... troisiesme partie .. |
Lyon : Claude Prost, 1642-1643. |
Ens, Kaspar, n. ca. 1570 |
Thaumaturgus mathematicus, id est, Admirabilium effectorum e mathematicarum disciplinarum fontibus profluentium sylloge [Microform] / Casparo Ens L. collectore & interprete |
Coloniae : Apud Constantinvm Münich, 1636. |