7.4.3 Académie internationale d'histoire des sciences, 1953-1961 |
In: Progetti di ricerca e rapporti con istituti e associazioni. 1948-1961 |
Singer, Dorothea Waley, 1882-1964 |
The alchemical testament attributed to Raymund Lull / Dorothea Waley Singer |
In: Archeion Vol. 9 (1928), p. 43-52 |
Singer, Dorothea Waley, 1882-1964 |
Alchemical texts bearing the name of Plato / by Dorothea Waley Singer |
In: Ambix Vol. 2 (1946), p. 115-128 |
Singer, Charles, 1876-1960 |
Byrhtferd's diagram / by Charles & Dorothea Singer |
Singer, Dorothea Waley, 1882-1964 |
Catalogue of early scientific manuscripts in the British Isles / Dorothea Waley Singer |
In: Isis Vol. 3 (1920), p. 271-274 |
Singer, Dorothea Waley, 1882-1964 |
Catalogue of Latin and vernacular alchemical manuscripts in Great Britain and Ireland dating from before the XVI century / by Dorothea Waley Singer ; assisted by Annie Anderson |
Bruxelles : M. Lamertin, 1928-1931. |
Singer, Dorothea Waley, 1882-1964 |
Catalogue of Latin and vernacular plague texts in Great Britain and Eire in manuscripts written before the sixteenth century / Dorothea Waley Singer and Annie Anderson |
Paris : Academie internationale d'histoire des sciences, 1950. |
9.2.23 Corrispondenti Se-Su, 1951-1961 |
In: Carteggio (Direzione Corsini). 1924-1961 |
Singer, Dorothea Waley, 1882-1964 |
The cosmology of Giordano Bruno (1548-1600) / by Dorothea Waley Singer |
In: Isis Vol. 33 (1941), p. 187-196 |
Singer, Dorothea Waley, 1882-1964 |
Dr. Agnes Arber, f.r.s., f.l.s. / Dorothea Waley Singer |
In: Archives internationales d'histoire des sciences No 50-51 (1960), p. 118-119 |
Singer, Dorothea Waley, 1882-1964 |
Dr. Edward Lynam / Dorothea Waley Singer |
In: Archives internationales d'histoire des sciences No 14 (1951), p. 173-174 |
Singer, Charles, 1876-1960 |
George Sarton and the history of science / by Charles and Dorothea Singer |
In: George Sarton memorial issue. p. 306-310 |
Singer, Dorothea Waley, 1882-1964 |
Giordano Bruno / di Dorothea W. Singer ; seguito dal testo originale de L'infinito universo et mondi ; [traduzione dall'originale inglese di Liliana Scalero] |
Milano : Longanesi & c., c1957. |
Singer, Dorothea Waley, 1882-1964 |
Giordano Bruno, his life and thought / Dorothea Waley Singer ; with annotated translation of his work On the infinite universe and worlds. |
New York : H. Schuman, 1950. |
Klemm, Friedrich, 1904-1983 |
A history of Western technology / Friedrich Klemm ; translated by Dorothea Waley Singer |
Cambridge (Massachusetts) : The MIT press, c1964. |
Klemm, Friedrich, 1904-1983 |
A history of Western technology / Friedrich Klemm ; translated by Dorothea Waley Singer |
London : G. Allen and Unwin, [c1959] |
7.4.2 International union of the history and philosophy of science, 1953-1961 |
In: Progetti di ricerca e rapporti con istituti e associazioni. 1948-1961 |
Singer, Dorothea Waley, 1882-1964 |
Les manuscrits des iles britanniques / décrits par Dorothea Waley Singer : avec la collaboration de Annie Anderson et William J. Anderson ; en appendice Les recettes alchimiques du Codex Holkhamicus éditées par Otto Lagercrantz |
1924. |
In: Catalogue des manuscrits alchimiques grecs. |
Singer, Dorothea Waley, 1882-1964 |
Michael Scot and alchemy / Dorothea Waley Singer |
In: Isis Vol. 13 (1929), p. 5-15 |
Singer, Dorothea Waley, 1882-1964 |
On a 16th century cartoon concerning the devilish weapon of gunpowder : some medieval reactions to guns and gunpowder / by Dorothea Waley Singer |
In: Ambix Vol. 7 (1959), p. 25-33 |
Singer, Dorothea Waley, 1882-1964 |
Plague tractates / by Dorothea Waley Singer and Reuben Levy |
In: Annals of medical history Vol. 1 (1917), p. 394-411 |
Singer, Dorothea Waley, 1882-1964 |
Plague tractates in Great Britain and Ireland dating from before the sixteenth century / Dorothea Waley Singer |
Singer, Dorothea Waley, 1882-1964 |
[Recensione] / Dorothea Waley Singer |
In: Archives internationales d'histoire des sciences No 54-55 (1961), p. 179-181 |
Singer, Dorothea Waley, 1882-1964 |
[Recensione] / Dorothea Waley Singer |
In: Archives internationales d'histoire des sciences No 54-55 (1961), p. 181-183 |
Singer, Dorothea Waley, 1882-1964 |
[Recensione] / Dorothea Waley-Singer |
In: Archives internationales d'histoire des sciences No 46 (1959), p. 94-97 |