Priestley, Joseph, 1733-1804 |
Autobiography of Joseph Priestley / introduction by Jack Lindsay |
Bath : Adams & Dart, 1970. |
Conti, Filippo, sec. XVIII |
[Carta biografica] [Grafica] / Jos. Pryestley inv. ; Philip. Conti sculp |
[S.l. : s.n., 1783?] |
Scheele, Carl Wilhelm, 1742-1786 |
Chemical observations and experiments on air and fire [Microform] / by Charles-William Scheele ... with a prefatory introduction by Torbern Bergman; translated from the German by J.R. Forster ... to which are added notes by Richard Kirwan ... with a letter to him from Joseph Priestley |
London : printed for J. Johnson, 1780. |
Priestley, Joseph, 1733-1804 |
Congetture intorno all'identità della materia elettrica e del flogisto / del sig. dottore Giuseppe Priestley |
In: Scelta di opuscoli interessanti tradotti da varie lingue Vol. 11 (1775), p. 29-39 |
Priestley, Joseph, 1733-1804 |
Considerations on the doctrine of phlogiston, and the decomposition of water / by Joseph Priestley. And Two lectures on combustion and an examination of doctor Priestley's consideration on the doctrine of phlogiston / by John Maclean ; edited with a sketch of the life and letters of doctor Maclean by William Forster |
New York : Kraus reprint, 1969. |
Priestley, Joseph, 1733-1804 |
Critical dissertations prefixed to a harmony of the evangelists ; Letters to archbishop Newcome on the duration of our saviour's ministry ; Letters and addresses to the Jews ; Letters to a young man etc. |
1999. |
In: Theological and miscellaneous works of Joseph Priestley. Priestley, Joseph 1733-1804. 20 |
Priestley, Joseph, 1733-1804 |
Defences of the history of the corruptions of Christianity in reply to dr. Horsley and mr. Badcock, 1783-1787 ; and Defences of unitarianism, 1786, 1787 |
1999. |
In: Theological and miscellaneous works of Joseph Priestley. Priestley, Joseph 1733-1804. 18 |
Priestley, Joseph, 1733-1804 |
Defences of unitarianism for 1788 and 1789 ; A letter to the right hon. William Pitt ; Familiar letters to the inhabitants of Birmingham ; and An appeal to the public on the riots in Birmingham |
1999. |
In: Theological and miscellaneous works of Joseph Priestley. Priestley, Joseph 1733-1804. 19 |
Priestley, Joseph, 1733-1804 |
Directions for impregnating water with fixed air [Microform] : in order to communicate to it the peculiar spirit and virtues of Pyrmont water, and other mineral waters of a similar nature / by Joseph Priestley |
London : printed for J. Johnson, 1772. |
Priestley, Joseph, 1733-1804 |
Discourses on various subjects ; Discourses on the evidence of revealed religion ; and Single sermons. |
1999. |
In: Theological and miscellaneous works of Joseph Priestley. Priestley, Joseph 1733-1804. 15 |
Priestley, Joseph, 1733-1804 |
Discourses on various subjects [Microform] : including several on particular occasions / by Joseph Priestley |
Birmingham [Eng.] : Printed for the Author, 1787 ([S.l.] : Pearson and Rollason) |
Priestley, Joseph, 1733-1804 |
Discourses relating to the evidences of revealed religion ; Four discourses intended to have been delivered at Philadelphia ; and Single discourses. |
1999. |
In: Theological and miscellaneous works of Joseph Priestley. Priestley, Joseph 1733-1804. 16 |
Priestley, Joseph, 1733-1804 |
Disquisitions relating to matter and spirit [Microform] : to which is added the history of the philosophical doctrine concerning the origin of the soul, and the nature of matter : with its influence on Christianity, especially with respect to the doctrine of the pre-existence of Christ / by Joseph Priestley |
London : printed for J. Johnson, 1777. |
Priestley, Joseph, 1733-1804 |
Dissertazione del sig. Priestley su alcuni cerchi contenenti tutti i colori del prisma formati dalle esplosioni elettriche sulla superficie de' metalli |
In: Scelta di opuscoli interessanti tradotti da varie lingue Vol. 8 (1775), p. 17-23 |
Priestley, Joseph, 1733-1804 |
The doctrine of phlogiston established [Microform] : and that of the composition of water refuted / by Joseph Priestley |
Northumberland [Pa.] : Printed for the Author, 1800 ([S.l.] : A. Kennedy) |
Barrotta, Pierluigi, 1958- |
Dogmatismo ed eresia nella scienza : Joseph Priestley / di Pierluigi Barrotta |
Milano : F. Angeli, c1994. |
Priestley, Joseph, 1733-1804 |
Dr. Joseph Priestleys, mitgliedes der... Grossbrittanischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften, Geshichte und gegenwärtiger Zustand der Optik : vorzüglich in Absicht auf den physikalischen Theil dieser Wissenschaft / aus dem Englischen übersetzt und mit Anmerkungen und Zusätzen begleitet von Georg Simon Klügel |
Leipzig : bey Johann Friedrich Junius, 1776. |
Priestley, Joseph, 1733-1804 |
An essay on the first principles of government and on the nature of political, civil and religious liberty ; Letters to the right honourable Edmund Burke, occasioned by his reflections on the revolution in France ; and Tracts on civil and religious liberty |
1999. |
In: Theological and miscellaneous works of Joseph Priestley. Priestley, Joseph 1733-1804. 22 |
Priestley, Joseph, 1733-1804 |
Experiments and observations on different kinds of air : and other branches of natural philosophy, connected with the subject : in three volumes being the former six volumes abridged and methodized, with many additions / by Joseph Priestley |
Birmingham : Printed by T. Pearson, 1790. |
Priestley, Joseph, 1733-1804 |
Experiments and observations on different kinds of air [Microform] : and other branches of natural philosophy, connected with the subject : in three volumes being the former six volumes abridged and methodized, with many additions / by Joseph Priestley |
Birmingham : Printed by T. Pearson, 1790. |
Priestley, Joseph, 1733-1804 |
Experiments and observations on different kinds of air / by Joseph Priestley . |
London : printed for J. Johnson ..., 1774-1777. |
Priestley, Joseph, 1733-1804 |
Experiments and observations relating to various branches of natural philosophy : with a continuation of the observations on air / by Joseph Priestley . |
London : peinted [sic] for J. Johnson ..., 1779-1786. |
Priestley, Joseph, 1733-1804 |
Expériences et observations sur différentes branches de la physique : avec une continuation des Observations sur l'air / ouvrage traduit de l'anglois de M. J. Priestley ... par M. Gibelin . |
A Paris : chez Nyon l'aîné libraire ..., 1782-1783 ([Paris] : de l'Impr. de Clousier) |
Priestley, Joseph, 1733-1804 |
Expériences et observations sur différentes especes d'air / ouvrage traduit de l'anglois de M. J. Priestley ... par M. Gibelin . |
A Paris : chez Nyon l'aîné, libraire ..., 1777-1780. |
Priestley, Joseph, 1733-1804 |
A familiar introduction to the study of electricity / by Joseph Priestley |
Millwood, N.Y. : Kraus reprint, 1978. |