Deleyre, Alexandre, 1726-1797 |
Analyse de la philosophie du chancelier François Bacon : avec sa vie. |
A Paris : chez Arthus-Bertrand libraire ..., an XIII-1804. |
Mallet, David, 1705-1765 |
Vita di milord Francesco Bacone, gran cancelliere d'Inghilterra, barone di Verulamio ecc. / tradotta dall'inglese ed illustrata con aneddoti e note istoriche |
In Venezia : appresso Antonio Locatelli, 1768. |
Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626 |
The works of Francis Bacon ... in four volumes : with several additional pieces, never before printed in any edition of his works / to which is prefixed a new life of the author by Mr. Mallet |
London : printed for A. Millar ..., 1740. |