Shaw, Peter, 1694-1763 |
Chemical lectures [Microform] : publickly read at London, in the years 1731, and 1732, and since at Scarborough, in 1733 : for the improvement of arts, trades, and natural philosophy / by Peter Shaw |
London : Printed for J. Schuckburgh and T. Osborne, [1734?] |
Shaw, Peter, 1694-1763 |
Leçons de chymie propres à perfectionner la physique, le commerce et les arts / par M. Pierre Shaw ... ; traduites de l'anglois. |
A Paris : chez Jean Thomas Herissant ..., 1759 ([Paris] : de l'Imprimerie de Pierre-Alexandre le prieur, imprimeur de roi, 1758) |
Shaw, Peter, 1694-1763 |
Méthode générale d'analyses, ou, Recherches physiques sur les moyens de connoître toutes les eaux minérales / [Shaw] ; traduit de l'anglois par M. Coste . |
A Paris : chez Vincent imprimeur-libraire ..., 1767. |
Boerhaave, Herman, 1668-1738 |
A new method of chemistry [Microform] : including the theory and practice of that art : laid down on mechanical principles, and accommodated to the uses of life : the whole making a clear and rational system of chemical philosophy : to which is prefix'd a critical history of chemistry and chemists, from the origin of the art to the present time / written by the very learned H. Boerhaave ; translated from the printed edition, collated with the best manuscript copies by P. Shaw, and E. Chambers ; with additional notes and sculptures and a copious index to the whole |
London : J. Osborn and T. Longman, 1727. |
Stahl, Georg Ernst, 1659-1734 |
Philosophical principles of universal chemistry, or, The foundation of a scientifical manner of inquiring into and preparing the natural and artificial bodies for the uses of life [Microform] : both in smaller way of experiment, and the larger way of business : design'd as a general introduction to the knowledge and practice of artificial philosophy, or, genuine chemistry in all its branches / drawn from the Collegium Jenense of George Ernest Stahl, by Peter Shaw, M.D. |
London : Printed for John Osborn and Thomas Longman, 1730. |