Bericht über die Ausstellung wissenschaftlicher Apparate im South Kensington Museum zu London 1876 : zugleich vollständiger und beschreibender Katalog der Ausstellung / im Auftrage des königlich-grossbritannischen Erziehungsrathes zusammengestellt von Rudolf Biedermann |
London : J. Strangeways, 1877. |
Science and art department, South Kensington (London) |
Catalogue of the special loan collection of scientific apparatus at the South Kensington Museum [Microform] : MDCCCLXXVI |
London : printed by G.E. Eyre and W. Spottiswoode, 1877. |
Science and art department, South Kensington (London) |
Catalogue of the special loan collection of scientific apparatus at the South Kensington Museum : MDCCCLXXVI |
London : printed by G. E. Eyre and W. Spottiswoode, 1877. |
Science and art department, South Kensington (London) |
Free evening lectures [Microform] : delivered in connection with the special loan collection of scientific apparatus, 1876 |
[London] : published for the Lords of the Committee of Council on education by Chapman and Hall, [1878] |
Modello di orologio con scappamento a pendolo ideato da Galileo Galilei, riprodotto per lo Science and art department, South Kensington, 1882-1883 |
In: Carteggio Meucci II: Carteggio tematico. 1863-1892 |