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Ferber, Johann Jakob, 1743-1790
Briefe aus Wälschland über natürliche Merkwürdigkeiten dieses Landes an den Herausgeber derselben Ignatz Edlen von Born [Microform] / [Johann Jakob Ferber]
Prag : Bey Wolfgang Gerle, 1773.
Born, Ignaz von, 1742-1791
Des Ignaz Edl von Born Briefe über Mineralogische Gegenstände auf seiner Reise durch das Temeswarer Bannat, Siebenbürgen, Ober-und Nieder-Hungarn [Microform] / an den Herausgeber deselben, Johann Jacob Ferber geschrieben
Frankfurt ; Leipzig : J.J. Ferber, 1774.
Ferber, Johann Jakob, 1743-1790
Johann Jacob Ferbers Beschreibung des Quecksilber-Bergwerks zu Idria in Mittel-Cräyn [Microform]
Berlin : C.F. Himburg, 1774.
Ferber, Johann Jakob, 1743-1790
Johann Jacob Ferbers Beyträge zu der Mineral-Geschichte von Böhmen [Microform]
Berlin : C.F. Himburg, 1774.
mat. grafico/ foto
Manoscritti arduiniani della Biblioteca civica di Verona
fotografie, [1929] Arduino, Giovanni, 1714-1795    Ferber, Johann Jakob, 1743-1790    Fortis, Alberto, 1741-1803    ... Regesto: -- 1. "1. Busto di G. Arduino inaugurato nel vestibolo della sede municipale di Caprino Veronese nel marzo 1925" (fot., 1 stampa, b/n, 17x11 cm, [1929]) |Esp29|,... Anno: 1929
Manoscritti arduiniani della Biblioteca civica di Verona : fotografie, [1929]
In: Fotografie Esp29 - Sala 9 (p. terreno) Verona, Manoscritti, strumenti scientifici, reperti archeologici e fossili del Museo civico di storia naturale di Verona e di altri istituti veronesi. [1907?-1929]
Bergman, Torbern, 1735-1784
Manuel du minéralogiste, ou, Sciagraphie du règne minéral distribuée d'après l'analyse chimique [Microform] / par Torbern Bergman ... mise au jour par M. Ferber ... et traduite et augmentée de notes par M. Mongez le jeune
Paris : Cuchet, 1784.
Ferber, Johann Jakob, 1743-1790
Nachricht von dem Anquicken der gold- und silberhaltigen Erze, Kupfersteine und Speisen in Ungarn und Böhmen nach eigenen Bemerkungen daselbst im Jahre 1786 [Microform] / entworfen von Johann Jacob Ferber
Berlin : A. Mylius, 1787.
Ferber, Johann Jakob, 1743-1790
Physikalisch-metallurgische Abhandlungen über die Gebirge und Bergwerke in Ungarn [Microform] / von Johann Jakob Ferber ; nebst einer Beschreibung des steirischen Eisenschmelzens und Stahlmachens von einem Ungenammten
Berlin ; Stettin : F. Nicolai, 1780.
Travels through Italy in the years 1771 and 1772
[Microform] : described in a series of letters to Baron Born, on the natural history, particularly the mountains and volcanoes of that country Ferber, Johann Jakob, 1743-1790    Raspe, Rudolf Erich, 1737-1794    Anno: 1776
Ferber, Johann Jakob, 1743-1790
Travels through Italy in the years 1771 and 1772 [Microform] : described in a series of letters to Baron Born, on the natural history, particularly the mountains and volcanoes of that country / by John James Ferber ; translated from the German, with explanatory notes and a preface on the present state and future improvement of mineralogy, by R.E. Raspe
London : L. Davis, 1776.
Travels through the Bannat of Temeswar, Transylvania, and Hungary, in the year 1770
[Microform] : described in a series of letters to Prof. Ferber, on the mines and mountains of these different countries Born, Ignaz von, 1742-1791    Raspe, Rudolf Erich, 1737-1794    Ferber, Johann Jakob, 1743-1790    Anno: 1777
Born, Ignaz von, 1742-1791
Travels through the Bannat of Temeswar, Transylvania, and Hungary, in the year 1770 [Microform] : described in a series of letters to Prof. Ferber, on the mines and mountains of these different countries / by Baron Inigo Born ; to which is added, John James Ferber's Mineralogical history of Bohemia ; translated from the German with some explantory notes and a preface on the mechanical arts, the art of mining, and its present state and future improvement by R.E. Raspe
London : Printed by J. Miller for G. Kearsley, 1777.