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The education of the doctor during the early modern period, from the sixteenth century until the eighteen century
acts of 38th International congress of the history of medicine and science, Fermo, on 20th-22en May 2010 = La formazione del medico in età moderna, secoli XVI-XVIII : atti della XXXVIII Tornata degli studi storici dell'arte medica e della scienza, Fermo, 20-22 maggio 2010 International congress of the history of medicine and science (38 :, 2010 : Fermo)    Sani, Roberto    Zurlini, Fabiola    Anno: 2012
International congress of the history of medicine and science (38 :, 2010 : Fermo)
The education of the doctor during the early modern period, from the sixteenth century until the eighteen century : acts of 38th International congress of the history of medicine and science, Fermo, on 20th-22en May 2010 = La formazione del medico in età moderna, secoli XVI-XVIII : atti della XXXVIII Tornata degli studi storici dell'arte medica e della scienza, Fermo, 20-22 maggio 2010 / a cura di Roberto Sani e Fabiola Zurlini
Macerata : Eum, 2012.
From medical officers to family doctors
historical and training paths, historical and pedagogical reflections on the Italian context Zurlini, Fabiola    Sani, Roberto    Vesprini, Andrea    Anno: 2023
Zurlini, Fabiola
From medical officers to family doctors : historical and training paths, historical and pedagogical reflections on the Italian context / Fabiola Zurlini, Andrea Vesprini, Roberto Sani
In: Medicina nei secoli N.s., vol. 35 n. 2 (2023), p. [53]-68