Haidinger, Wilhelm von, 1795-1871 |
Account of the specific gravity of several minerals / by William Haidinger ; communicated by the author |
In: Edinburgh journal of science Vol. 2 (1825), p. 67-74 |
Haidinger, Wilhelm von, 1795-1871 |
Account of the specific gravity of several minerals : (continued from v. II, p. 74) / by William Haidinger |
In: Edinburgh journal of science Vol. 3 (1825), p. 241-246 |
Haidinger, Wilhelm von, 1795-1871 |
A comparative view of the series of crystallisation of epidote and of glauber-salt / by William Haidinger ; communicated by the author |
In: Edinburgh philosophical journal Vol. 10 (1824), p. 305-316 |
Comunicazione, da Adolf Senoner, di aver inviato al Museo una cassa contenente: piante crittogame dei Carpazi e della Boemia, conchiglie, minerali, opuscoli e libri, 15 luglio 1854 |
In: Carteggio della Direzione, gennaio - dicembre 1854 aff. 32; c. 59 m. |
Comunicazione, da Adolf Senoner, di aver inviato in dono al Museo, a nome del direttore dell'Istituto geologico di Vienna, alcune opere scientifiche, di cui è accluso l'elenco; Senoner auspica inoltre la presenza di fiorentini al congresso di scienziati, naturalisti e medici che si aprirà a Vienna il ventuno settembre ed elogia la qualità e quantità delle collezioni naturalistiche del Museo di Firenze, 26 marzo - 28 agosto 1855 |
In: Carteggio della Direzione, gennaio - novembre 1855 aff. 30; c. 64 m. |
Haidinger, Wilhelm von, 1795-1871 |
Description of edingtonite, a new mineral species / by William Haidinger ; with an analysis by Edward Turner ; communicated by the author |
In: Edinburgh journal of science Vol. 3 (1825), p. 316-320 |
Haidinger, Wilhelm von, 1795-1871 |
Description of erinite, a new mineral species / by William Haidinger ; communicated by the author |
In: Edinburgh journal of science Vol. 9 (1828), p. 93-95 |
Haidinger, Wilhelm von, 1795-1871 |
Description of pyrolusite, or prismatic manganese ore / by William Haidinger |
In: Edinburgh journal of science Vol. 9 (1828), p. 304-309 |
Haidinger, Wilhelm von, 1795-1871 |
Handbuch der bestimmenden Mineralogie [Microform] : enthaltend die Terminolgie, Systematik, Nomenklatur und Charakteristik der Naturgeschichte des Mineralreiches / von Wilhelm Haidinger |
Wien : Braumüller & Seidel, 1845. |
Lettera di Guglielmo Haidinger al presidente Pareto in merito a due suoi scritti offerti in dono ai componenti della sezione e intitolati "Bericht über die Mittheilungen von Freunden der Naturwissenschaften" e "Naturwissenschaftliche Abhandlungen", 20 agosto 1847 |
In: Congresso di Venezia. Sezione di geologia e mineralogia. a) Atti verbali (in parte) b) Memorie, carte, spanati c) Lettere, rapporti d) Elenco membri. 1847 ms. 30.70 |
Haidinger, Wilhelm von, 1795-1871 |
Mémoire sur les relations qui existent entre les étoliles filantes, les bolides et les essaims de météorites / par m. Haidinger |
[S.l. : s.n., 186-] (Bruxelles : Impr. de M. Hayez) |
Haidinger, Wilhelm von, 1795-1871 |
Notice of a remarkable variety of boracite / communicated by the author |
In: Edinburgh journal of science Vol. 3 (1825), p. 110-111 |
Haidinger, Wilhelm von, 1795-1871 |
Notice of some new observations by Mr. Brooke on the sulphato-tri-carbonate of lead / by William Haidinger |
In: Edinburgh journal of science Vol. 7 (1827), p. 145-146 |
Haidinger, Wilhelm von, 1795-1871 |
Notice regarding Professor Mitscherlich's observations on the dimorphism of hydrous sulphate of zinc : and hydrous sulphate of magnesia / by William Haidinger ; communicated by the author |
In: Edinburgh journal of science Vol. 4 (1826), p. 301-30 |
Haidinger, Wilhelm von, 1795-1871 |
Notice respecting euchroite, a new mineral species / by William Haidinger ; communicated by the author |
In: Edinburgh journal of science Vol. 2 (1825), p. 133-135 |
Haidinger, Wilhelm von, 1795-1871 |
Notice respecting trona, the native carbonate of soda from Fezzan / by William Haidinger ; communicated by the author |
In: Edinburgh journal of science Vol. 2 (1825), p. 325-332 |
Haidinger, Wilhelm von, 1795-1871 |
On berthierite, a new mineral species / by William Haidinger ; communicated by the author |
In: Edinburgh journal of science Vol. 7 (1827), p. 353-354 |
Haidinger, Wilhelm von, 1795-1871 |
On botryogrene, the native red iron-vitriol of Fahlun / by William Haidinger ; communicated by the author |
In: Edinburgh journal of science Vol. 9 (1828), p. 48-51 |
Haidinger, Wilhelm von, 1795-1871 |
On davyne, a new mineral species / by William Haidinger ; communicated by the author |
In: Edinburgh journal of science Vol. 7 (1827), p. 326-329 |
Haidinger, Wilhelm von, 1795-1871 |
On johannite, a new mineral species / by W. Haidinger ; communicated by the author |
In: Edinburgh journal of science Vol. 3 (1830), p. 306-310 |
Haidinger, Wilhelm von, 1795-1871 |
On mesole / by William Haidinger ; communicated by the author |
In: Edinburgh journal of science Vol. 7 (1827), p. 18-23 |
Haidinger, Wilhelm von, 1795-1871 |
On polyhalite / by William Haidinger ; communicated by the author |
In: Edinburgh journal of science Vol. 7 (1827), p. 246-248 |
Haidinger, Wilhelm von, 1795-1871 |
On sternbergite, a new mineral species / by William Haidinger ; communicated by the author |
In: Edinburgh journal of science Vol. 7 (1827), p. 242-244 |
Haidinger, Wilhelm von, 1795-1871 |
On the crystalline forms and properties of several salts : (continued from vol. I, p. 333.) / by William Haidinger ; communicated by the author |
In: Edinburgh journal of science Vol. 2 (1825), p. 88-93 |
Haidinger, Wilhelm von, 1795-1871 |
On the crystalline forms and properties of several salts / by William Haidinger ; communicated by the author |
In: Edinburgh journal of science Vol. 1 (1824), p. 99-103 |