Grew, Nehemiah, 1641-1712 |
Anatomie des plantes : qui contient une description exacte de leurs parties et de leurs usages, et qui fait voir comment elles se forment, et comment elles croissent / traduite de l'anglois de monsieur Grew de la Societé Royale |
A Paris : chez Antoine Dezallier, 1679. |
Grew, Nehemiah, 1641-1712 |
Anatomie des plantes [Microform] : qui contient une description exacte de leurs parties & de leurs usages, & qui fait voir comment elles se forment, & comment elles croissent / traduite de l'anglois de Monsieur Grew |
A Paris : Chez Lambert Roulland ..., 1675. |
Grew, Nehemiah, 1641-1712 |
The anatomy of plants : with an idea of a philosophical history of plants and several other lectures read before the Royal society / by Nehemiah Grew |
New York : Johnson reprint corporation, 1965. |
Grew, Nehemiah, 1641-1712 |
The anatomy of plants [Microform] : with an idea of a philosophical history of plants and several other lectures : read before the Royal Society / by Nehemiah Grew |
[London] : Printed by W. Rawlins for the Author, 1682. |
Grew, Nehemiah, 1641-1712 |
The anatomy of the plants, with an idea of a philosophical history of plants and severall other lectures / by Nehemiah Grew |
Londini : [s.n.], 1682. |
Grew, Nehemiah, 1641-1712 |
The anatomy of vegetables begun [Microform] : with a general account of vegetation founded thereon / by Nehemiah Grew |
London : S. Hickman, 1672. |
Grew, Nehemiah, 1641-1712 |
Anotomia ed anima delle piante [Microform] : che contiene una esatta descrizione della loro origine, nodrimento, progresso, parti, ed usi, e che dà a divedere come si formino, e come crescano : con una raccolta di sperienze, ed osservazioni curiose sopra il combattimento risultante dalla mescolanza de' corpi, come anche sopra i sapori, e sopra gli odori / de' signori N. Grew, R. Boyle, & N. Dedu ; tradotta dalla lingua francese, ed arricchita di figure in rame |
In Venezia : Per Luigi Pavini ..., 1763. |
Grew, Nehemiah, 1641-1712 |
The comparative anatomy of stomachs and guts / by Nehemjah Grew = Inchoata anatome comparativa ventriculorum et intestinorum / auctore Neh. Grew |
Londini : [s.n.], 1681. |
Grew, Nehemiah, 1641-1712 |
Cosmologia sacra, or A discourse of the universe as it is the creature and kingdom of God ... / by Nehemia Grew |
London : J. Rogers, S. Smith & B. Walford, 1701. |
Grew, Nehemiah, 1641-1712 |
Cosmologia sacra, or, A discourse of the universe as it is the creature and kingdom of God [Microform] : chiefly written to demonstrate the truth and excellency of the Bible : which contains the laws of his kingdom in this lower world / by Nehemiah Grew |
London : Printed for W. Rogers, S. Smith and B. Walford, 1701. |
Grew, Nehemiah, 1641-1712 |
Descriptio ac usus pororum in cute manuum atque pedum / per Nehemiam Grew |
In: Acta eruditorum Vol. 4 (1685), p. 516-518 |
Sakula, Alex |
Doctor Nehemiah Grew (1641-1712) and the Epsom salts / Alex Sakula |
In: Clio medica Vol. 19 (1984), p. 1-21 |
Roos, Anna Marie |
The doctoral dissertation of Nehemiah Grew (1641-1712) : the nervous fluids and iatrochymistry in context / Anna Marie Roos. |
In: Collected wisdom of the early modern scholar. p. 323-347 |
Flora / edited by Charlotte Grant |
2003. |
In: Literature and science, 1660-1834. 4 |
Grew, Nehemiah, 1641-1712, mittente |
Grew Nehemiah a Malpighi Marcello, Iulii 1678 |
In: Carteggio Malpighi |
Grew, Nehemiah, 1641-1712, mittente |
Grew Nehemiah a Malpighi Marcello, Nonas 3.° Martij M.DC.LXXII. |
In: Carteggio Malpighi |
Grew, Nehemiah, 1641-1712 |
An idea of phytological history propounded [Microform] : together with a continuation of the anatomy of vegetables, particularly prosecuted upon roots : and an account of the vegetation of roots grounded chiefly thereupon / by Nehemiah Grew |
London : Printed by J.M. for R. Chiswell, 1673. |
Malpighi, Marcello, 1628-1694, mittente |
Malpighi Marcello a Grew Nehemiah, Die 21 Junii 1678 |
In: Carteggio Malpighi |
Grew, Nehemiah, 1641-1712 |
Musaeum Regalis Societatis, or, A catalogue & description of the natural and artificial rarities belonging to the Royal Society and preserved at Gresham Colledge / by Nehemias Grew ; whereunto is subjoyned the Comparative anatomy of stomachs and guts by the same author |
London : printed by W. Rawlins, for the author, 1681. |
Royal society (London) |
Musaeum Regalis Societatis, or, A catalogue & description of the natural and artificial rarities belonging to the Royal Society and preserved at Gresham Colledge [Microform] / made by Nehemiah Grew ... ; whereunto is subjoyned the Comparative anatomy of stomachs and guts, by the same author |
London : Printed by W. Rawlins, for the author, 1681. |
Grew, Nehemiah, 1641-1712 |
Musaeum Regalis Societatis, or, A catalogue and description of the natural and artificial rarities belonging to the Royal Society and preserved at Gresham Colledge [Microform] / made by Nehemiah Grew ; whereunto is subjoyned the Comparative anatomy of stomachs and guts, by the same author |
London : Printed for Tho. Malthus ..., 1686. |
Turner, Anthony J., 1946- |
Natural philosophers, mathematical practitioners and timber in later 17th century England / Anthony J. Turner |
In: Nuncius A. 9, fasc. 2 (1994), p. 619-634 |
Natural philosophy / edited by Rob Iliffe |
2004. |
In: Literature and science, 1660-1834. 7 |
Grew, Nehemiah, 1641-1712 |
Observationes aliquot rariores de morboso liene / a spectatissimo domino d. Nehemia Grew m.d. ac R.S. socio cum eadem Societate communicatae |
In: Acta eruditorum Vol. 11 (1692), p. 534-535 |
Grew, Nehemiah, 1641-1712 |
Tractatus de salis cathartici amari in aquis beshamensibus et hujusmodi aliis contenti natura et usu / auctore Nehemia Grew |
Londini : apud S. Smith & B. Walford, 1695. |