Abstract of a paper on the anomalous magnetic action of hot iron, between the white and blood-red heat, by Peter Barlow |
In: Edinburgh philosophical journal Vol. 7 (1822), p. 239-241 |
Barlow, Peter, 1776-1862 |
Account of a curious electro-magnetic experiment / by Professor Barlow ; exhibited at the London Institution by Dr. Birkbeck, in his lectures on electro-magnetism |
In: Edinburgh journal of science Vol. 1 (1824), p. 139-140 |
Barlow, Peter, 1776-1862 |
Account of a series of electro-magnetic experiments : with observations on the mathematical laws of electro-magnetism / by Peter Barlow |
In: Edinburgh philosophical journal Vol. 8 (1823), p. 368-382 |
Barlow, Peter, 1776-1862 |
An account of a series of experiments, made to determine the local attraction of his Majesty's steam-vessel Comet / by P. Barlow |
In: Edinburgh philosophical journal Vol. 12 (1825), p. 288-293 |
Account of some important discoveries in magnetism recently made by P. Barlow |
In: Edinburgh philosophical journal Vol. 1 (1819), p. 344-348 |
Barlow, Peter, 1776-1862 |
An account of the preliminary experiments and ultimate construction of a refracting telescope of 7.8 inches aperture : with a fluid concave lens / by Peter Barlow |
In: Edinburgh journal of science Vol. 1 (1829), p. 328-334 |
Analysis of Mr. Barlow's Essay on magnetic attractions. |
In: Edinburgh philosophical journal Vol. 5 (1821), p. 261-268 |
Apparecchio con sfera di rame rotante per mostrare le correnti indotte |
Copper-ball machine for demonstrating induced electric currents eng |
[S.l. : s.n.], prima metà sec. XIX. |
Approvazione del Ministero della pubblica istruzione all'acquisto degli strumenti di fisica richiesti dal professor Magrini, 10 - 22 settembre 1864 |
In: Carteggio della Direzione, agosto 1862 - giugno 1866 aff. 94, aff. 99; c. 164 m., c. 170 m. |
Astuccio elettromagnetico di Nobili |
Nobili's electromagnetic kit eng |
[S.l. : s.n.], ca. 1833. |
Barlow, Peter, 1776-1862 |
Description of the new fluid telescope recently constructed by Mssrs W. and T. Gilbert : on a plan suggested by Peter Barlow / in a letter to the editor |
In: Edinburgh journal of science Vol. 8 (1828), p. 93-96 |
Barlow, Peter, 1776-1862 |
An elementary investigation of the theory of numbers [Microform] : with its application to the indeterminate and diophantine analysis, the analytical and geometrical division of the circle, and several other curious algebraical and arithmetical problems / by Peter Barlow |
London : J. Johnson, 1811. |
Barlow, Peter, 1776-1862 |
The encyclopaedia of arts, manufactures, and machinery [Microform] : comprehending Part I. ELementary principles of practical mechanics and engineering ... Part II. Mechanical processes and manufactures ... / by Peter Barlow ; to which is prefixed, An introductory view of the principles of manufactures, by Charles Babbage |
London : John Joseph Griffin ..., 1851. |
Barlow, Peter, 1776-1862 |
An essay on magnetic attractions and on the laws of terrestral and electro magnetism : comprising a popular course of curious and interesting experiments on the latter subject ... : with an appendix / by Peter Barlow |
London : printed by J. Mawman, Ludgate street and also sold by J. Taylor, High Holborn, 1824. |
Barlow, Peter, 1776-1862 |
An essay on magnetic attractions, particularly as respects the deviation of the compass on shipboard ... [Microform] : with an easy practical method of observing the same in all parts of the world / by Peter Barlow |
London : J. Taylor, 1820. |
Barlow, Peter, 1776-1862 |
An essay on the strength and stress of timber [Microform] : founded upon experiments performed at the Royal military academy on specimens selected from the Royal Arsenal, and His Majesty's Dock-Yard, Woolwich : preceded by an historical review of former theories and experiments, with numerous tables and plates : also an appendix on the strength of iron, and other materials / by Peter Barlow |
London : Printed for J. Taylor, 1817. |
Barlow, Peter, 1776-1862 |
Experiments and observations on the effects produced on the rates of chronometers by the proximity of iron bodies / by John Barlow [i.e. Peter Barlow] |
In: Edinburgh philosophical journal Vol. 5 (1821), p. 383-385 |
Barlow, Peter, 1776-1862 |
Experiments on the transverse strength and other properties of malleable iron [Microform] : with reference to its uses for railway bars : and a Report founded on the same, addressed to the directors of the London and Birmingham Railway Company / by Peter Barlow |
London : Fellowes, 1835. |
Barlow, Peter, 1776-1862 |
Farther observations on the construction of achromatic telescopes with a fluid concave lens : instead of the usual lens of flint glass / by Peter Barlow |
In: Edinburgh journal of science Vol. 9 (1828), p. 220-225 |
Globo di Nobili o globo di Barlow : fotografia |
1990. |
Globo di Nobili o globo di Barlow : fotografia |
[fra 1980 e 1985] |
Globo di Nobili o globo di Barlow |
Nobili's version of Barlow's electromagnetic terrella eng |
[S.l. : s.n.], ca. 1830. |
Barlow, Peter, 1776-1862 |
Illustration of some facts connected with the development of magnetism by rotation / by Peter Barlow ; in a letter to the editor |
In: Edinburgh journal of science Vol. 5 (1826), p. 214-227 |
Barlow, Peter, 1776-1862 |
A new mathematical and philosophical dictionary [Microform] : comprising an explanation of the terms and principles of pure and mixed mathematics, and such branches of natural philosophy as are susceptible of mathematical investigation : with historical sketches of the rise, progress and present state of the several departments of these sciences, and an account of the discoveries and writings of the most celebrated authors, both ancient and modern / by Peter Barlow |
London : G. & S. Robinson, 1814 ([S.l.] : Whittingham and Rowland) |
Barlow, Peter, 1776-1862 |
A new mathematical and philosophical dictionary : comprising an explanation of the terms and principles of pure and mixed mathematics, and such branches of natural philosophy as are susceptible of mathematical investigation : with historical sketches of the rise, progress and present state of the several departments of these sciences, and an account of the discoveries and writings of the most celebrated authors, both ancient and modern / by Peter Barlow |
London : G. and S. Robinson, 1814. |