Huxley, Thomas Henry, 1825-1895 |
Collected essays [Microform] / by T.H. Huxley |
London ; New York : Macmillan, 1904-1906. |
Huxley, Thomas Henry, 1825-1895 |
Collected essays / by T.H. Huxley |
London : MacMillan, 1893- |
Forgan, Sophie |
Constructing South Kensington : the buildings and politics of T.H. Huxley's working environments / Sophie Forgan and Graeme Gooday |
In: British journal for the history of science Vol. 29 (1996), p. 435-468 |
Huxley, Thomas Henry, 1825-1895 |
A course of practical instruction in elementary biology / by T. H. Huxley ; assisted by H. N. Martin |
London : Macmillan, 1875. |
Huxley, Thomas Henry, 1825-1895 |
The crayfish : an introduction to the study of zoology / by T.H. Huxley ... with eighty-two illustrations. |
London : C. Kegan Paul, 1880. |
Huxley, Thomas Henry, 1825-1895 |
The crayfish [Microform] : an introduction to the study of zoology / by T.H. Huxley ... with eighty-two illustrations. |
London : C. Kegan Paul, 1880. |
Huxley, Thomas Henry, 1825-1895 |
De la place de l'homme dans la nature / par Th. H. Huxley ; traduit, annoté, précédé d'une introduction et suivi d'un compte rendu des travaux anthropologiques du Congrès International d'Anthropologie par E. Dally ; avec une préface de l'auteur pour l'éd. française |
Paris : Baillière, 1868. |
Huxley, Thomas Henry, 1825-1895 |
Discourses : biological & geological : essays / by Thomas H. Huxley |
1894. |
In: Collected essays. Huxley, Thomas Henry 1825-1895. 8 |
Huxley, Thomas Henry, 1825-1895 |
Evidence as to man's place in nature [Microform] / by Thomas Henry Huxley |
London ; Edinburgh : Williams and Norgate, 1863. |
Huxley, Thomas Henry, 1825-1895 |
Evolution & ethics : and other essays / by Thomas H. Huxley |
1901. |
In: Collected essays. Huxley, Thomas Henry 1825-1895. 9 |
Huxley, Thomas Henry, 1825-1895 |
Evolution and ethics ; Science and morals / Thomas H. Huxley |
Amherst : Prometheus books, 2004. |
Huxley, Thomas Henry, 1825-1895 |
Evoluzione ed etica e altri saggi sul governo, i diritti, il socialismo, il liberismo / Thomas Henry Huxley ; a cura di Antonello La Vergata ; [traduzione di Tania Gargiulo e Anna Rusconi] |
Torino : Bollati Boringhieri, 1995. |
L'evoluzionismo / una antologia degli scritti di Lamarck Darwin Huxley Haeckel con saggi storico-critici di Montalenti Omodeo Cassirer Farrington Medawar ; a cura di Vittorio Somenzi |
Torino : Loescher, 1987. |
Huxley, Thomas Henry, 1825-1895 |
Il gambero : introduzione allo studio della geologia / per T.H. Huxley |
Milano : fratelli Dumolard, 1883. |
Cadeddu, Antonio |
Genesi di una teoria scientifica : dalla generazione spontanea all'origine della vita / Antonio Cadeddu |
Cagliari : CUEC, c1998. |
Huxley, Thomas Henry, 1825-1895 |
Hume : with helps to the study of Berkeley : essays / by Thomas H. Huxley |
1897. |
In: Collected essays. Huxley, Thomas Henry 1825-1895. 6 |
Huxley, Thomas Henry, 1825-1895 |
Hume : sa vie, sa philosophie / par Th. Huxley ; traduit de l'anglais et précédé d'une introduction par Gabriel Compayré |
Paris : Libr. Germer Baillière et, 1880. |
Huxley, Thomas Henry, 1825-1895 |
An introduction to the classification of animals [Microform] / by Thomas Henry Huxley |
London : J. Churchill, 1869 ([S.l.] : W. Clowes) |
Querner, Hans. |
Karl Ernst von Baer und Thomas Henry Huxley : Unveröffentlichte Briefe aus den Jahren 1860-1868 / von Hans Querner |
In: Sudhoffs Archiv Bd. 62 (1978), p. 131-147 |
Huxley, Thomas Henry, 1825-1895 |
Lay sermons, addresses, and reviews [Microform] / by Thomas Henry Huxley |
London : Macmillan, 1870. |
Huxley, Thomas Henry, 1825-1895 |
Lectures and essays / T.H. Huxley |
London : Asprey & co., [19--?] |
Huxley, Thomas Henry, 1825-1895 |
Lectures on the elements of comparative anatomy / by Thomas Henry Huxley ... |
London : J. Churchill, 1864. |
Huxley, Thomas Henry, 1825-1895 |
Lectures on the elements of comparative anatomy [Microform] / by Thomas Henry Huxley ... on the classification of animals and on the vertebrate skull |
London : J. Churchill, 1864. |
Huxley, Thomas Henry, 1825-1895 |
Libere facoltà : i saggi di T.H. Huxley / [a cura di] Laura Chiara Spinelli |
Lecce : Pensa multimedia, c2018. |
Huxley, Thomas Henry, 1825-1895 |
Life and letters of Thomas Henry Huxley [Microform] / by his son Leonard Huxley |
London : Macmillan, 1900. |