The Cambridge history of seventeenth-century philosophy / edited by Daniel Garber and Michael Ayers ; with the assistance of Roger Ariew and Alan Gabbey |
Cambridge : Cambridge university press, c1998. |
Garber, Daniel, 1949- |
Cartesius triumphatus : Gerard de Vries and opposing Descartes at the University of Utrecht / Daniel Garber |
In: Descartes in the classroom. p. 231-252 |
Garber, Daniel, 1949- |
De ortu et antiquissimis fontibus protogaeae leibnizianae dissertatio : observation, exploration and natural philosophy / Daniel Garber |
In: Leibniz y las ciencias empíricas. p. 165-185 |
Garber, Daniel, 1949- |
Defending Aristotle : defending society in early 17th century Paris / Daniel Garber |
In: Wissensideale und Wissenskulturen in der frühen Neuzeit. p. 135-160 |
Descartes and the first Cartesians [Risorsa elettronica] / Daniel Garber, guest editor |
In: Perspectives on science Vol. 26, no. 5 (2018), p. 521-617 |
Garber, Daniel, 1949- |
Descartes embodied : reading Cartesian philosophy through Cartesian science / Daniel Garber |
Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 2001. |
Garber, Daniel, 1949- |
Descartes et le paradigme galiléen / Daniel Garber |
In: Laval théologique et philosophique Vol. 53, no 3 (1997), p. 551-559 |
Garber, Daniel, 1949- |
Descartes metaphysical physics / Daniel Garber |
Chicago : The university of Chicago press, 1992. |
Garber, Daniel, 1949- |
Descartes on knowledge and certainty : from the Discours to the Principia / Daniel Garber |
In: Descartes: Principia Philosophiae, 1644-1994. p. 341-363 |
Garber, Daniel, 1949- |
A different Descartes : Descartes and the programme for a mathematical physics in his correspondence / Daniel Garber |
In: Descartes' natural philosophy. p. 113-130 |
Garber, Daniel, 1949- |
A different Descartes : Descartes and the program for a mathematical physics in the correspondence / Daniel Garber |
In: Biografia intellettuale di René Descartes attraverso la Correspondance. Convegno Descartes e l'Europe savante (1996 : Perugia) p. 193-216 |
Garber, Daniel, 1949- |
Disciplining feeling : the seventeenth-century idea of a mathematical theory of the emotions / Daniel Garber |
In: Structures of feeling in seventeenth-century cultural expression. p. 19-34 |
Garber, Daniel, 1949- |
La dynamique de Leibniz est-elle compatible avec sa monadologie? / Daniel Garber |
In: Autour de la Dynamique de Leibniz. p. 11-30 |
Early modern science / edited by Katharine Park, Lorraine Daston |
2006. |
In: Cambridge history of science. 3 |
Garber, Daniel, 1949- |
Incommensurabilities / Daniel Garber |
In: Historical studies in the natural sciences Vol. 42, no. 5 (2012), p. 504-509 |
Garber, Daniel, 1949- |
Jean-Baptiste Morin and Descartes' Principia / Daniel Garber |
In: Descartes: Principia Philosophiae, 1644-1994. p. 685-699 |
Garber, Daniel, 1949- |
Laws of nature and the mathematics of motion / Daniel Garber |
In: Language of nature. p. 134-159 |
Garber, Daniel, 1949- |
Leibniz : body, substance, monad / Daniel Garber |
Oxford : Oxford university press, 2009. |
Garber, Daniel, 1949- |
Leibniz on form and matter / Daniel Garber |
In: Fate of hylomorphism. |
Garber, Daniel, 1949- |
Leibniz's transcendental aesthetic / Daniel Garber |
In: Mathematizing space. p. 231-254 |
Garber, Daniel, 1949- |
Leibniz, body and monads / Daniel Garber |
In: Vanishing matter and the laws of motion. p. 195-214 |
Garber, Daniel, 1949- |
Leibniz, la teología y la filosofía mecánica / Daniel Garber ; traducido del inglés por Alejandro Vera |
In: Ciencia y religión en la edad moderna. p. 181-194 |
Garber, Daniel, 1949- |
Leibniz, Newton and force / Daniel Garber |
In: Interpreting Newton. p. 33-47 |
Garber, Daniel, 1949- |
Leibnizian hylomorphism / Daniel Garber |
In: Matter and form in early modern science and philosophy. p. 225-243 |
Garber, Daniel, 1949- |
Libertas philosophandi in the 17th century : some preliminary remarks / Daniel Garber |
In: Libertas philosophandi. p. 103-111 |