Holmes, Frederic Lawrence, 1932-2003 |
Analysis by fire and solvent extraction : the metamorphosis of a tradition / by Frederic L. Holmes. |
In: Isis Vol. 62 (1971), p. 129-148 |
Holmes, Frederic Lawrence, 1932-2003 |
Antoine Lavoisier, the next crucial year : or the sources of his quantitative method in chemistry / Frederic Lawrence Holmes. |
Princeton : Princeton university press, c1998. |
Holmes, Frederic Lawrence, 1932-2003 |
Between biology and medicine : the formation of intermediary metabolism : four lectures delivered at the International summer school in history of science, Uppsala, July 1990 / Frederic Lawrence Holmes. |
Berkeley : Office for history of science and technology, University of California, 1992. |
Holmes, Frederic Lawrence, 1932-2003 |
The boundaries of Lavoisier's chemical revolution / Frederic L. Holmes. |
In: Débats et chantiers actuels autour de Lavoisier et de la révolution chimique. p. 9-48 |
Holmes, Frederic Lawrence, 1932-2003 |
Chemistry in the Acadêmie royale des sciences / Frederic L. Holmes. |
In: Historical studies in the physical and biological sciences Vol. 34 (2003), p. 41-68 |
Holmes, Frederic Lawrence, 1932-2003 |
La chimica nella Età dei lumi / F.L. Holmes. |
In: Natura e vita. p. 478-525 |
Holmes, Frederic Lawrence, 1932-2003 |
Claude Bernard : the milieau intérieur and regulatory physiology / Frederic L. Holmes. |
In: History and philosophy of the life sciences Vol. 8, n. 1 (1986), p. 3-25 |
Holmes, Frederic Lawrence, 1932-2003 |
Claude Bernard and animal chemistry : the emergence of a scientist / Frederic Lawrence Holmes. |
Cambridge (Mass.) : Harvard university press, 1974. |
Holmes, Frederic Lawrence, 1932-2003 |
Claude Bernard and the milieu intérieur / Frederic L. Holmes. |
In: Archives internationales d'histoire des sciences No 65 (1963), p. 369-376 |
Holmes, Frederic Lawrence, 1932-2003 |
Claude Bernard and the vitalism of his time / Frederic L. Holmes. |
In: Vitalisms from Haller to the cell theory. International congress of the history of science (19 : 1993 : Zaragoza) p. 281-295 |
Holmes, Frederic Lawrence, 1932-2003 |
Claude Bernard et le Muséum national d'histoire naturelle / Frederic L. Holmes. |
In: Muséum au premier siècle de son histoire. p. 403-423 |
Holmes, Frederic Lawrence, 1932-2003 |
The communal context for Etienne-François Geoffroy's Table des rapports / Frederic L. Holmes. |
In: Fundamental concepts of early modern chemistry. p. 289-311 |
Holmes, Frederic Lawrence, 1932-2003 |
The complementarity of teaching and research in Liebig's laboratory / by Frederic L. Holmes. |
In: Science in Germany. p. 121-164 |
Dictionary of scientific biography / Charles Coulston Gillispie, editor in chief ; Frederic L. Holmes, editor in chief [vol. 17-18] |
New York : Charles Scribner's sons, 1981. |
Holmes, Frederic Lawrence, 1932-2003 |
Do we understand historically how experimental knowledge is acquired? / Frederic L. Holmes. |
In: History of science Vol. 30 (1992), p. 119-136 |
Holmes, Frederic Lawrence, 1932-2003 |
Dov Ospovat, 14 June 1947 - 28 September 1980 : éloge / Frederic L. Holmes. |
In: Isis Vol. 72 (1981), p. 635-636 |
Holmes, Frederic Lawrence, 1932-2003 |
Eighteenth-century chemistry as an investigative enterprise : five lectures delivered at the International summer school in history of science, Bologna, august 1988 / Frederic Lawrence Holmes. |
Berkeley : University of California, Office for history of science and technology, 1989. |
Holmes, Frederic Lawrence, 1932-2003 |
Elementary analysis and the origins of physiological chemistry / by Frederic L. Holmes. |
In: Isis Vol. 54 (1963), p. 50-81 |
Holmes, Frederic Lawrence, 1932-2003 |
The evolution of Lavoisier's chemical apparatus / Frederic L. Holmes. |
In: Instruments and experimentation in the history of chemistry. p. 137-152 |
Holmes, Frederic Lawrence, 1932-2003 |
The fine structure of scientific creativity / Frederic L. Holmes. |
In: History of science Vol. 19 (1981), p. 60-70 |
Feldman, Theodore S. |
Fisica e chimica esatte / Theodore S. Feldman, Frederic L. Holmes, Marco Beretta |
[Roma] : Istituto della Enciclopedia italiana, 2002. |
Holmes, Frederic Lawrence, 1932-2003 |
Fisiologia e medicina sperimentale / Frederic L. Holmes. |
In: Dall'età romantica alla medicina moderna. p. 79-142 |
Holmes, Frederic Lawrence, 1932-2003 |
From elective affinities to chemical equilibria : Berthollet's law of mass action / Frederic L. Holmes. |
In: Chymia Vol. 8 (1962), p. 105-145 |
Holmes, Frederic Lawrence, 1932-2003 |
Galvani on respiration and inflammation / Frederic L. Holmes. |
In: Luigi Galvani international workshop. Luigi Galvani international workshop (1998 : Bologna) p. 99-113 |
Holmes, Frederic Lawrence, 1932-2003 |
Hans Krebs / Frederic Lawrence Holmes. |
New York : Oxford university press, 1991-1993. |