Mancosu, Paolo |
Aristotelian logic and Euclidean mathematics : seventeenth-century developments of the Quaestio de certitudine mathematicarum / Paolo Mancosu |
In: Studies in history and philosophy of science Vol. 23 (1992), p. 241-265 |
Mancosu, Paolo |
Bolzano and Cournot on mathematical explanation / Paolo Mancosu |
In: Mathématique et logique chez Bolzano. p. 429-455 |
Mancosu, Paolo |
Descartes and mathematics / Paolo Mancosu |
In: Companion to Descartes. p. 103-123 |
Mancosu, Paolo |
Descartes and the cylindrical helix / Paolo Mancosu, Andrew Arana |
In: Contexts, emergence and issues of Cartesian geometry. p. 403-427 |
Mancosu, Paolo |
Detleff Clüver : an early opponent of the Leibnizian differential calculus / by Paolo Mancosu and Ezio Vailati |
In: Centaurus Vol. 33 (1990), p. 325-344 |
Mancosu, Paolo |
From Brouwer to Hilbert : the debate on the foundations of mathematics in the 1920s / Paolo Mancosu |
New York : Oxford university press, 1998. |
Mancosu, Paolo |
The metaphysics of the calculus : a foundational debate in the Paris academy of sciences, 1700-1706 / Paolo Mancosu |
In: Historia mathematica Vol. 16 (1989), p. 224-248 |
Mancosu, Paolo |
On mathematicahl explanation / Paolo Mancosu |
In: Growth of mathematical knowledge. p. 103-119 |
Mancosu, Paolo |
Philosophy of mathematics and mathematical practice in the Seventeenth century / Paolo Mancosu |
New York : Oxford university press, 1996. |
Mancosu, Paolo |
Il programma di Hilbert e i teoremi di incompletezza di Gödel / Paolo Mancosu |
In: Rivista di filosofia neo-scolastica A. 98, n. 3 (2006), p. 489-531 |
Mancosu, Paolo |
[Recensione] / Paolo Mancosu |
In: Physis Vol. 28, n. s., fasc. 3 (1991), p. 975-978 |
Mancosu, Paolo |
Syllogistic logic and mathematical proof / Paolo Mancosu and Massimo Mugnai |
Oxford : Oxford university press, 2023. |
Mancosu, Paolo |
Tarski on models and logical consequence / Paolo Mancosu |
In: Architecture of modern mathematics. p. 209-237 |
Mancosu, Paolo |
Torricelli's infinitely long solid and its philosophical reception in the seventeenth century / Paolo Mancosu, Ezio Vailati |
In: Isis Vol. 82 (1991), p. 50-70 |
Willard van Orman Quine / a cura di Renato Pettoello e Paolo Valore |
In: Rivista di storia della filosofia A. 64, n.s., n. 1 (2009), p. 1-245 |