Sobel, Dava, 1947- |
Bito shel Galileo'o : zikaron histori shel mada', emunah ve-ahavah / Davah Sobel ; me-Anglit Sigal Adler |
Or Yehudah : Kineret, 2003. |
Shea, William R., 1937- |
Conversations with Galileo : a fictional dialogue based on biographical facts / Wiliam Shea ; foreword by Dava Sobel |
London : Watkins, 2019. |
Sobel, Dava, 1947- |
Córka Galileusza : rzecz o nauce, wierze i milosci / Dava Sobel ; przekl. Norbert Radomski |
Poznan : Dom Wydawniczy Rebis, 2008. |
Galilei, Galileo, 1564-1642 |
Dialogue concerning the two chief world systems, Ptolemaic and Copernican / Galileo Galilei ; translated by Stillman Drake ; foreword by Albert Einstein ; introduction by Dava Sobel |
London : the Folio society, 2013. |
Sobel, Dava, 1947- |
Doc Galilea : istoriceskie memuary o nauke, vere i lubvi / Dava Sobel ; [per. s angl. O. Cumicevoj] |
Sankt-Peterburg : Amfora, 2006. |
Sobel, Dava, 1947- |
De dochter van Galilei : een verhaal over wetenschap, geloof en liefde / Dava Sobel ; vert. [uit het Engels] door Alfred Engelander en Anna Sikora |
Amsterdam : Ambo, c2000. |
Sobel, Dava, 1947- |
The elements of Marie Curie : how the glow of radium lit a path for women in science / Dava Sobel |
New York : Atlantic monthly press, 2024. |
Sobel, Dava, 1947- |
La figlia di Galileo : una storia di scienza, fede e amore / Dava Sobel |
Milano : Rizzoli, 1999. |
Sobel, Dava, 1947- |
A filha de Galileu : uma memória histórica de ciência, fé e amor / Dava Sobel ; trad. Maria Eduarda Correia |
Lisboa : Temas e debates, 2002. |
Sobel, Dava, 1947- |
A filha de Galileu : um relato biográfico de ciência, fé e amor / Dava Sobel |
Rio de Janeiro : Cia. das letras, 2000. |
Sobel, Dava, 1947- |
La filla de Galileu : una crònica històrica de la ciència, la fe e l'amor / Dava Sobel ; traducció de Concepció Iribarren |
Barcelona : Edicions 62, 2000. |
Sobel, Dava, 1947- |
La fille de Galilée / Dava Sobel ; trad. de l'anglais ... par Christian Cler |
Paris : O. Jacob, 2001. |
Sobel, Dava, 1947- |
Galilei lánya : hiteles memoár a tudományról, a bizalomról és a sweretetrol / Dava Sobel ; [ford. ... Hochrein Judit, Végh Orsolya] |
Pécs : Alexandra, [2003] |
Sobel, Dava, 1947- |
Galileis dotter : vetenskap, religion och innerlig tillgivenhet : en levnadsteckning / Dava Sobel ; översättning Margareta Eklöf |
Stockholm : Wahlström & Widstrand, 2000. |
Shea, William R., 1937- |
Galileo interviewed / William R. Shea ; foreword by Dava Sobel |
Zurich : Galileo press, 2013. |
Sobel, Dava, 1947- |
Galileo's daughter : a historical memoir of science, faith and love / Dava Sobel |
New York : Walker & co., 2011. |
Sobel, Dava, 1947- |
Galileo's daughter : a historical memoir of science, faith and love / Dava Sobel |
New York : Penguin, 2000. |
Sobel, Dava, 1947- |
Galileo's daughter / by Dava Sobel |
In: Astronomy Vol. 28 (April 2000), p. 46-51 |
Sobel, Dava, 1947- |
Galileo's daughter : a historical memoir of science, faith and love / Dava Sobel |
New York : Walker & co., 1999. |
Sobel, Dava, 1947- |
Galileo's daughter : a drama of science, faith and love / Dava Sobel |
London : Fourth estate, 1999. |
Brighton, Catherine |
Galileo's treasure box / Catherine Brighton ; introduction by Dava Sobel |
New York : Walker & Co., 2001. |
Sobel, Dava, 1947- |
Galileon tytär : tiedettä, uskoa, rakkautta / Dava Sobel ; suomentanut Juhani Lindholm |
Helsingissä : Otava, 2000. |
Sobel, Dava, 1947- |
Galileos datter : et historisk drama om vitenskap, tro og kjaerlighet / Dava Sobel ; oversatt av Knut Johansen og Kristin Gjerpe |
Oslo : Cappelen, 2001. |
Sobel, Dava, 1947- |
Galileos datter : en historisk biografi om videnskab, tro og kærlighed / Dava Sobel ; pa dansk ved Jytte Kohlschen |
Valby : Borgen, 2000. |
Sobel, Dava, 1947- |
The glass universe : the hidden history of the women who took the measure of the stars / Dava Sobel |
London : 4th Estate, 2016. |