Burnett, Charles. |
The abacus at Echternach in ca. 1000 A.D. / [Charles Burnett] |
In: Numerals and arithmetic in the Middle Ages. Burnett, Charles. [Study I] |
Burnett, Charles. |
Abbon de Fleury abaci doctor / [Charles Burnett] |
In: Numerals and arithmetic in the Middle Ages. Burnett, Charles. [Study II] |
Burnett, Charles. |
'Abd al-Masih of Winchester / Charles Burnett |
In: Between demonstration and imagination. p. 159-169 |
Burnett, Charles. |
Abu Ma'Shar (A.D. 787-886) and his major texts on astrology / Charles Burnett |
In: Kayd. p. 17-29 |
Abu Mashar, al-Balkhi Jafar ibn Muhammad, 787-886 |
Abu Masar on historical astrology : the book of religions and dynasties (on the great conjunctions) / edited and translated by Keiji Yamamoto, Charles Burnett |
Leiden : Brill, 2000. |
Burnett, Charles. |
Addendum to King Ptolemy and Alchandreus the Philosopher : the earliest texts on the astrolabe and Arabic astrology at Fleury, Micy and Chartres / Charles Burnett |
In: Annals of science Vol. 57 (2000), p.187 |
Adelard of Bath : an English scientist and arabist of the early twelfth century / edited by Charles Burnett |
London : The Warburg institute, 1987. |
Burnett, Charles. |
Adelard of bath and the Arabs / [Charles Burnett] |
In: Arabic into Latin in the Middle Ages. Burnett, Charles. [Study III] |
Burnett, Charles. |
Albumasar in Sadan in the twelfth century / Charles Burnett |
In: Ratio et superstitio. p. 59-67 |
Burnett, Charles. |
Algorismi vel helcep decentior est diligentia : the arithmetic of Adelard of Bath and his circle / [Charles Burnett] |
In: Numerals and arithmetic in the Middle Ages. Burnett, Charles. [Study III] |
Burnett, Charles. |
Alia littera : editorial strategies in copies of a medieval Latin text on Talismans by Thabit ibn Qurra / Charles Burnett |
In: Moyen Âge et les sciences. p. 595-616 |
Ancient and medieval alchemy / guest editors: Charles Burnett and Bink Hallum |
In: Ambix Vol. 56 (2009), p. 1-88 |
Burnett, Charles. |
Antioch as a link between Arabic and Latin culture in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries / [Charles Burnett] |
In: Arabic into Latin in the Middle Ages. Burnett, Charles. [Study IV] |
Burnett, Charles. |
Antioch as a link between Arabic and Latin culture in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries / Charles Burnett |
In: Occident et Proche Orient. p. 1-78 |
Burnett, Charles. |
Arabic and Latin astrology compared in the twelfth century : Firmicus, Adelard of Bath and Doctor Elmirethi (Aristoteles Milesius) / Charles Burnett |
In: Studies in the history of the exact sciences in honour of David Pingree. p. 247-263 |
Burnett, Charles. |
Arabic into Latin in the Middle Ages : the translators and their intellectual and social context / Charles Burnett |
Aldershot : Ashgate, 2009. |
Astro-medicine : astrology and medicine, East and West / edited by Anna Akasoy, Charles Burnett and Ronit Yoeli-Tlalim |
Firenze : SISMEL-Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2008. |
Astrolabes in medieval cultures / guest editor Josephina Rodríguez-Arribas, Charles Burnett, and Silke Ackermann |
In: Medieval encounters Vol. 23, no. 1/5 (2017), p. 1-467 |
Burnett, Charles. |
The astrologer's assay of the alchemist : early references to alchemy in Arabic and Latin texts / by Charles Burnett |
In: Ambix Vol. 39 (1992), p. 103-109 |
Burnett, Charles. |
Astrology for the doctor in a work addressed to Robert, earl of Leicester / Charles Burnett |
In: De l'homme, de la nature et du monde. p. 179-196 |
Burnett, Charles. |
Avranches, B.M. 235 et Oxford, Corpus Christi College 283 / Charles Burnett |
In: Science antique, science médiévale, autour d'Avranches 235. p. 63-70 |
Bartolomeo da Parma, sec. XIII |
Bartholomeus Parmensis Tractatus spere : pars tercia / [edited by] Charles Burnett |
In: Seventh centenary of the teaching of astronomy in Bologna, 1297-1997 : proceedings of the Meeting held in Bologna at the Accademia delle scienze on July 21, 1997. p. 151-212 |
Between Orient and Occident : transformation of knowledge / guest editors: Benno van Dalen and Charles Burnett |
In: Annals of science Vol. 68 (2011), p. 445-546 |
Burnett, Charles. |
The certitude of astrology : the scientific methodology of al-Qabisi and Abu Ma'shar / Charles Burnett |
In: Certainty, doubt, error. p. 198-213 |
Burnett, Charles. |
The coherence of the Arabic-Latin translation program in Toledo in the twelfth century / [Charles Burnett] |
In: Arabic into Latin in the Middle Ages. Burnett, Charles. [Study VII] |