Segre, Michael, 1950- |
Accademia e società : conversazioni con Joseph Agassi / Michael Segre |
Soveria Mannelli : Rubbettino, 2004. |
Segre, Michael, 1950- |
Agassi's contribution to the history of science / Michael Segre |
In: Philosophy of the social sciences Vol. 52, 6 (2022), p. 372-379 |
Segre, Michael, 1950- |
Astronomy, astrology and historiography / Michael Segre |
In: Astronomy as a model for the sciences in early modern times. p. 115-124 |
Folkerts, Menso, 1943- |
Der Aufbau einer Datenbank für die Geschichte der europäischen Mathematik im Mittelalter und der Renaissance / Menso Folkerts, Andreas Kühne, Michael Segre |
Segre, Michael, 1950- |
Le biografie scientifiche all'alba della scienza moderna / di Michael Segre |
In: Intersezioni A. 18, n. 3 (1998), p. 403-416 |
Segre, Michael, 1950- |
Il caso Galileo : una questione chiusa? / Michael Segre |
In: Nuncius A. 19, fasc. (2004), p. 733-747 |
Segre, Michael, 1950- |
The dawn of scientific biography [Risorsa elettronica] / Michael Segre |
In: Early science and medicine Vol. 26, no. 3 (2021), p. 207-230 |
Segre, Michael, 1950- |
Early historiography of science / Michael Segre |
In: Handbook for the historiography of science. p. 339-354 |
Segre, Michael, 1950- |
Empiricism and the Galilean school : thesis submitted for the degree doctor of philosophy / by Michael Segre ; [this work was carried out under the supervision of professor Yehuda Elkana and professor Eugenio Garin] |
Segre, Michael, 1950- |
Ermeneutica ebraica, ermeneutica cattolica, tradizione e scienza / Michael Segre |
In: Scienza e sacra scrittura nel XVII secolo. p. 57-68 |
Segre, Michael, 1950- |
The experimentalism in Galileo's physics / Michael Segre |
Segre, Michael, 1950- |
Four centuries later : how to close the Galileo case? / Michael Segre |
In: Physis Vol. 48, n.s., fasc. 1-2 (2011-2012) (stampa 2013), p. 53-65 |
Segre, Michael, 1950- |
Frühe Galilei-Historiographie : einige neue Dokumente / Michael Segre |
In: Philosophie, Physik, Wissenschaftsgeschichte. p. 12-27 |
Segre, Michael, 1950- |
Galilei und die Medici : post-Renaissance Mäzenatentum oder post-moderne Geschichtsschreibung? / Michael Segre |
In: Astronomisches Mäzenatentum. p. 13-29 |
Segre, Michael, 1950- |
Galileis Empirismus : eine historiographische Ausrede? / Michael Segre |
In: Miscellanea Kepleriana. p. 89-100 |
Segre, Michael, 1950- |
Galileo : a rehabilitation that has never taken place / Michael Segre |
In: Endeavour Vol. 23 (1999), p. 20-23 |
Segre, Michael, 1950- |
Galileo and the Medici : post-Renaissance patronage or post-modern historiography? / Michael Segre |
In: Transversal 2 (2017), p. 226-232 |
Segre, Michael, 1950- |
Galileo as a politician / by Michael Segre |
In: Sudhoffs Archiv Bd. 72 (1988), p. 69-82 |
Segre, Michael, 1950- |
Galileo fue capaz de dialogar con todos [Risorsa elettronica] / Michael Segre |
Segre, Michael, 1950- |
Galileo, Viviani and the Tower of Pisa / Michael Segre |
In: Studies in history and philosophy of science Vol. 20 (1989), p. 435-451 |
Die grossen Physiker / herausgegeben von Karl von Meyenn |
München : C.H. Beck, 1997- |
Segre, Michael, 1950- |
Hielt Johannes Paul II. sein Versprechen? / Michael Segre |
In: Ungebändigte Galilei. p. 107-111 |
Segre, Michael, 1950- |
Higher education and the growth of knowledge : a historical outline of aims and tensions / Michael Segre |
London : Routledge, c2017. |
Elkana, Yehuda, 1934-2012 |
History of science in Israel / Yehuda Elkana, Michael Segre |
In: Isis Vol. 76 (1985), p. 7-10 |
Segre, Michael, 1950- |
In the wake of Galileo / Michael Segre ; [foreword by I. Bernard Cohen] |
New Brunswick : Rutgers university press, c1991. |