De biografie als genre in de wetenschapsgeschiedenis / Frank Huisman, Catrien Santing en Bert Theunissen (red.) |
In: Gewina (Rotterdam) Jaarg. 23, nr. 1 (2000), p. 5-85 |
Huisman, Frank G., 1956- |
The dialectics of understanding : on genres and the use of debate in medical history / Frank Huisman |
In: History and philosophy of the life sciences Vol. 27, n. 1 (2005), p. 13-40 |
Farmacie : wetenschap, industrie en markt : de Nederlandse farmaceutische industrie in de negentiende en twintigste eeuw / Frank Huisman en Rein Vos (red.) |
In: Gewina (Rotterdam) Jaarg. 22, nr. 1 (1999), p. 5-61 |
Huisman, Frank G., 1956- |
From exploration to synthesis : making new sense of psychiatry and mental health care in the twentieth century / Frank Huisman |
In: Psychiatric cultures compared. p. 405-423 |
A history of science in the Netherlands : survey, themes and reference / edited by Klaas van Berkel, Albert van Helden, Lodewijk Palm |
Leiden : Brill, 1999. |
Huisman, Frank G., 1956- |
Itinerant dentists and patent remedies in the Dutch Republic / Frank Huisman |
In: Dental practice in Europe at the end of the 18th century. p. 285-330 |
Locating medical history : the stories and their meanings / edited by Frank Huisman and John Harley Warner |
Baltimore : The Johns Hopkins university press, 2004. |
Huisman, Frank G., 1956- |
Medical histories / Frank Huisman and John Harley Warner |
In: Locating medical history. p. 1-30 |
Huisman, Frank G., 1956- |
Pharmacists, druggists and the spirit of Thorbecke : the shaping of Dutch pharmacy : 1865-c. 1920 / Frank Huisman |
In: Biographies of remedies. p. 35-55 |
Huisman, Frank G., 1956- |
Shaping the medical market : on the construction of quackery and folk medicine in Dutch historiography / Frank Huisman |
In: Alternative medicine in Europe since 1800. p. 359-375 |