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NON posseduto Versione digitale
Lambert, Johann Heinrich, 1728-1777
Adnotata quaedam de numeris eorumque anatomia / auctore I.H. Lambert
In: Nova acta eruditorum Vol. 36 (1769), p. 107-128
The analemmatic sundial sourcebook
including recent work and English translations of early source texts on the analemmatic sundials and the variable center dials that derive from it Sawyer, Frederick W.    Janin, Louis.    Vaulèzard, Jean-Louis de, sec. XVI-XVII    ... Indice: Pt. 1. An historical overview: 1. The analemmatic sundial: history and developments / Louis Janin (1974) 2. Desperately seeking Vaulezard: a tale of frustration /... Anno: 2004
The analemmatic sundial sourcebook : including recent work and English translations of early source texts on the analemmatic sundials and the variable center dials that derive from it / compiled and edited by Frederick W. Sawyer III.
[S.l.] : The North American sundial society, 2004.
Lambert, Johann Heinrich, 1728-1777
Beyträge zum Gebrauche der Mathematik und deren Anwendung [Microform] / durch J. H. Lambert ; mit Kupfern
Berlin : im Verlage des Buchladens der Realschule, 1765-1772.
manoscritto/ dattiloscritto
NON posseduto Versione digitale
Bianchini, Rodolfo, sec. XVIII, mittente
Bianchini Rodolfo a Ximenes Leonardo, 9 luglio 1783
In: Gal. 288 doc. 131, c. 260r-261v
NON posseduto Versione digitale
Lambert, Johann Heinrich, 1728-1777
Conghietture sulle rivoluzioni sofferte dal nostro globo dedotte dalla figura dell'Oceano / del signor Lambert
In: Scelta di opuscoli interessanti tradotti da varie lingue Vol. 2 (1775), p. 57-64
Lambert, Johann Heinrich, 1728-1777
Cosmologische Briefe über die Einrichtung des Weltbaues [Microform] / von ausgefertigt J.H. Lambert
Augsburg : E. Kletts Wittib, 1761.
NON posseduto Versione digitale
Lambert, Johann Heinrich, 1728-1777
De topicis schediasma / auctore I.H. Lambert
In: Nova acta eruditorum Vol. 35 (1768), p. 12-33
Lambert, Johann Heinrich, 1728-1777
Essai sur la perspective, (août 1752) / Jean-Henri Lambert ; traduction française de Jeanne Peiffer ; présentation et annotations par Roger Laurent ; préface de René Taton
Paris : A. Blanchard, [198-?]
Lambert, Johann Heinrich, 1728-1777
Die freye Perspektive, oder Anweisung jeden perspektivischen Aufriss von freyen Stücken und. ohne Grundriss zu verfertigen [Risorsa elettronica] / von J[ohann] H[einrich] Lambert
Zuric : chez Heidegguer et comp., 1759.
Lambert, Johann Heinrich, 1728-1777
I.H. Lambert De ichnographica campi vel regionis delineatione independenter ab omni basi perficienda schediasma
In: Nova acta eruditorum Vol. 32 (1763), (pubbl. 1764), p. 143-154
NON posseduto
I.H. Lambert De universaliori calculi idea
disquisitio : una cum adnexo specimine Lambert, Johann Heinrich, 1728-1777    Anno: 1767
Lambert, Johann Heinrich, 1728-1777
I.H. Lambert De universaliori calculi idea : disquisitio : una cum adnexo specimine
In: Nova acta eruditorum Vol. 33 (1764-65), (pubbl. 1767), p. 441-473
Lambert, Johann Heinrich, 1728-1777
I.H. Lambert Insigniores orbitae cometarum proprietates [Microform]
Augustae Vindelicorum : Sumtibus E. Klett Viduae, 1761.
NON posseduto Versione digitale
Lambert, Johann Heinrich, 1728-1777
I.H. Lambert Insigniores orbitae cometarum proprietates.
Augustae Vindelicorum : Sumtibus E. Klett Viduae, 1761.
NON posseduto Versione digitale
Lambert, Johann Heinrich, 1728-1777
I.H. Lambert Photometria, sive, De mensura et gradibus luminis, colorum et umbrae
Augustae Vindelicorum : V.E. Klett, 1760.
Lambert, Johann Heinrich, 1728-1777
I.H. Lambert Photometria, sive, De mensura et gradibus luminis, colorum et umbrae [Microform]
Augustae Vindelicorum : V.E. Klett, 1760.
NON posseduto
Lambert, Johann Heinrich, 1728-1777
In algebram philosophicam Cl. Richeri : breves adnotationes / auctore I.H. Lambert
In: Nova acta eruditorum Vol. 34 (1766-67), (pubbl. 1768), p. 334-344
Irrationality, transcendence and the circle-squaring problem
an annotated translation of J. H. Lambert's Vorläufige Kenntnisse and Mémoire Dorrego López, Eduardo    Lambert, Johann Heinrich, 1728-1777    Ferreirós, José    ... Indice: Pt. 1. / Eduardo Dorrego López: 1. Johann Heinrich Lambert: a biography iin context. Pt. 2. /Elías Fuentes Guillén: 2. Lambert, the circle-squarers and [Greek p]:... Anno: 2024
Dorrego López, Eduardo
Irrationality, transcendence and the circle-squaring problem : an annotated translation of J. H. Lambert's Vorläufige Kenntnisse and Mémoire / Eduardo Dorrego López, Elías Fuentes Guillén ; foreword by José Ferreirós.
Cham : Springer, c2024.
Lambert, Johann Heinrich, 1728-1777
Johann Heinrich Lamberts Pyrometrie, oder, Vom Maasse des Feuers und der Wärme [Microform] : Mit acht Kupfertafeln
Berlin : Haude und Spener, 1779.
Lambert's Photometrie =
Photometria, sive, De mensura et gradibus luminis, colorum et umbrae, 1760 Lambert, Johann Heinrich, 1728-1777    Anding, Ernst    Anno: 1892
Lambert, Johann Heinrich, 1728-1777
Lambert's Photometrie = Photometria, sive, De mensura et gradibus luminis, colorum et umbrae, 1760 / deutsch herausgegeben von E. Anding
Leipzig : W. Engelmann, 1892.
Lambert, Johann Heinrich, 1728-1777
Lettres cosmologiques sur l'organisation de l'univers / écrites en 1761 par J.H. Lambert ; préface par M. Jacques Merleau Ponty
Paris : A. Brieux, 1977.
NON posseduto
Lambert, Johann Heinrich, 1728-1777
Mathematische Werke / Johann Heinrich Lambert
Zürich : Orell-Füssli, 1946-
Meccanismo e concatenazione
sull'uso di meccanico e geometrico nel pensiero settecentesco Basso, Paola    Lambert, Johann Heinrich, 1728-1777    Anno: 2006
Basso, Paola
Meccanismo e concatenazione : sull'uso di meccanico e geometrico nel pensiero settecentesco / Paola Basso
In: Macchine e vita nel XVII e XVIII secolo. p. 13-35
Lambert, Johann Heinrich, 1728-1777
Notes and comments on the composition of terrestrial and celestial maps / Johann Heinrich Lambert ; translation of selected paragraphs from the German by Annette A'Campo-Neuen
In: Mathematical geography in the eighteenth century. p. 367-422
Lambert, Johann Heinrich, 1728-1777
Nuovo organo / Johann Heinrich Lambert ; [traduzione e introduzione di Raffaele Ciafardone]
Roma : Laterza, 1977.
La perspective affranchie
a reproduction of the copy in the British library Lambert, Johann Heinrich, 1728-1777    Anno: 1987
Lambert, Johann Heinrich, 1728-1777
La perspective affranchie : a reproduction of the copy in the British library / Johann Heinrich Lambert
Alburgh : Archival facsimiles limited, 1987.
