Ragep, F. Jamil |
Ali Qushji and Regiomontanus : eccentric transformations and Copernican revolutions / F. Jamil Ragep |
In: Journal for the history of astronomy Vol. 36 (2005), p. 359-371 |
Before Copernicus : the cultures and contexts of scientific learning in the fifteenth century / edited by Rivka Feldhay and F. Jamil Ragep |
Montreal : McGill-Queen's university press, c2017. |
Ragep, F. Jamil |
Copernicus and his Isalmic predecessors : some historical remarks / F. Jamil Ragep |
In: History of science Vol. 45 (2007), p. 65-81 |
Ragep, F. Jamil |
Freeing astronomy from philosophy : an aspect of Islamic influence on science / by F. Jamil Ragep |
In: Science in theistic contexts. p. 49-72 |
Ragep, F. Jamil |
From Tun to Torun : the twist and turns of the Tusi-couple / F. Jamil Ragep |
In: Before Copernicus. p. 161-197 |
Ragep, F. Jamil |
From Tun to Turun [i.e. Torun] : the twists and turns of the Tusi-couple / F. Jamil Ragep |
Berlin : Max Planck Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte, 2013. |
Ragep, F. Jamil |
Ibn al-Haytham and Eudoxus : the revival of homocentric modeling in Islam / F. Jamil Ragep |
In: Studies in the history of the exact sciences in honour of David Pingree. p. 786-809 |
Ragep, F. Jamil |
Ibn al-Shatir and Copernicus [Risorsa elettronica] : the Uppsala notes revisited / F. Jamil Ragep |
In: Journal for the history of astronomy Vol. 47 (2016), p. 395-415 |
Ragep, F. Jamil |
Islamic reactions to Ptolemy's imprecisions / F. Jamil Ragep |
In: Ptolemy in perspective. p. 121-134 |
Ragep, F. Jamil |
The Islamic scientific manuscript initiative (ISMI) : towards a sociology of the exact sciences in Islam / F. Jamil Ragep and Sally P. Ragep |
In: Shared legacy. p. 15-21 |
Medieval science / edited by David C. Lindberg, Michael H. Shank |
2015. |
In: Cambridge history of science. 2 |
Tusi, Nasir al-Din Muhammad ibn Muhammad, 1201-1274 |
Nasir al-Din al-Tusi's Memoir on astronomy = al-Tadhkira fi cilm al-hay'a / [commentary by] F.J. Ragep |
New York : Springer, 1993. |
Ikhwan al-safa', sec. X. |
On Astronomia : an Arabic critical edition and English translation of Epistle 3 / edited and translated by F. Jamil Ragep and Taro Mimura ; foreword by Nader el-Bizri |
New York : Oxford university press, 2015. |
Ragep, F. Jamil |
[Recensione] / F. Jamil Ragep |
In: Nuncius A. 6, fasc. 1 (1991), p. 211-213 |
Tradition, transmission, transformation : proceedings of two conferences on pre-modern science held at the University of Oklahoma / edited by F. Jamil Ragep and Sally P. Ragep ; with Steven Livesey |
Leiden : E.J. Brill, 1996. |
Ragep, F. Jamil |
Tusi and Copernicus : the Earth's motion in context / F. Jamil Regep |
In: Intercultural transmission of scientific knowledge in the Middle Ages. p. 145-163 |