Miller, Arthur I. |
Albert Einstein and Max Wertheimer / Arthur I. Miller |
In: History of science 13 (1975), p. 75-103 |
Goe, George |
Comments on Miller's The myth of Gauss experiment on the Euclidean nature of physical space / by Georg Goe and B.L. Van der Waerden |
In: Isis Vol. 65 (1974), p. 83-87 |
Miller, Arthur I. |
Culture of creativity : mathematics and physics / Arthur I. Miller |
In: Diogenes Vol. 45, n. 177 (1997), p. 53-72 |
Miller, Arthur I. |
Deciphering the cosmic number : the strange friendship of Wolfgang Pauli and Carl Jung / Arthur I. Miller |
New York : W.W. Norton, c2009. |
Miller, Arthur I. |
Early quantum electrodynamics : a source book / Arthur I. Miller ; translations from the German by Walter Grant |
Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 1994. |
Miller, Arthur I. |
Einstein's special theory of relativity / A.I. Miller |
Reading (Mass.) : Addison-Wesley, 1981. |
Miller, Arthur I. |
Einstein, Poincaré, and the testability of geometry / Arthur Miller |
In: Symbolic universe. p. 47-57 |
Miller, Arthur I. |
Electron : the name of the rose / Arthur I. Miller |
In: Rendiconti della Accademia nazionale delle scienze detta dei XL (Mem. sci. fis. nat.) Ser. 5., vol. 22, pt. 2 (1998), p. 255-265 |
Miller, Arthur I. |
Empire of the stars : obsession, friendship and betrayal in the quest for black holes / Arthur I. Miller |
Boston : Houghton Mifflin, 2005. |
Miller, Arthur I. |
L'equazione dell'anima : l'ossessione per un numero nella vita di due geni / Arthur I. Miller |
[Milano] : Rizzoli, c2009. |
L'equilibrio perfetto : le grandi equazioni della scienza moderna / a cura di Graham Farmelo ; traduzione di Libero Sosio |
Milano : Il saggiatore, c2005. |
Miller, Arthur I. |
Imagery in scientific thought : creating 20th century physics / Arthur I. Miller |
Boston : Birkhäuser, 1984. |
Miller, Arthur I. |
Immagini e metafore nel pensiero scientifico / Arthur I. Miller ; [trad. di Maurizio Carlucci] |
Roma : Theoria, 1994. |
Miller, Arthur I. |
Insights of genius : imagery and creativity in science and art / Arthur I. Miller |
New York : Copernicus, c1996. |
Miller, Arthur I. |
Metaphor and scientific creativity / Arthur I. Miller |
In: Metaphor and analogy in the sciences. p. 147-164 |
Miller, Arthur I. |
The myth of Gauss experiment on the Euclidean nature of physical space / by Arthur I. Miller |
In: Isis Vol. 63 (1972), p. 345-348 |
Miller, Arthur I. |
Neutral currents and the history of scientific ideas / Arthur I. Miller and Frederick W. Bullock |
In: Studies in history and philosophy of science Vol. 25 (1994), p. 895-931 |
Miller, Arthur I. |
A précis of Edmund Whittaker's Relativity theory of Poincaré and Lorentz / Arthur I. Miller |
In: Archives internationales d'histoire des sciences Vol. 37, no 118 (1987), p. 93-103 |
Miller, Arthur I. |
[Recensione] / Arthur I. Miller |
In: Archives internationales d'histoire des sciences Vol. 45, no 135 (1995), p. 418-419 |
Miller, Arthur I. |
A study of Henry Poincaré's Sura la dynamique de l'électron / Arthur I. Miller |
In: Archive for history of exact sciences Vol. 10 (1973), p. 207-328 |
Miller, Arthur I. |
A twenty-first-century history of science department : the Department of science and technology studies at University college, London / Arthur I. Miller |
In: History of science and technology in education and training in Europe. p. 49-58 |
Miller, Arthur I. |
Unipolar induction : a case study of the interaction between science and technology / Arthur I. Miller |
In: Annals of science Vol. 38 (1981), p. 155-189 |
Miller, Arthur I. |
Visualizzazione perduta e riconquistata : la genesi della teoria dei quanti nel periodo 1913-27 / Arthur I. Miller |
In: Estetica nella scienza. p. 89-125 |
Miller, Arthur I. |
What is scientific progress? / Arthur I. Miller |
In: Physis Vol. 31, n.s., fasc. 3 (1994), p. 835-867 |
Miller, Arthur I. |
When Pauli met Jung : the path from three to four / Arthur I. Miller |
In: Recasting reality. p. 245-250 |