Youschkevich, Adolf Pavlovich, 1906-1993 |
A.I. Markushevich as a historian of mathematics / by P.S. Alexandrov, A.N. Kolmogorov and A.P. Youschkevitsch |
In: Historia mathematica Vol. 8 (1981), p. 125-132 |
Youschkevich, Adolf Pavlovich, 1906-1993 |
A.N. Kolmogorov : historian and philosopher of mathematics on the occasion of his 80th birthday / by A.P. Youschkevitch |
In: Historia mathematica Vol. 10 (1983), p. 383-395 |
Kedrov, Bonifatij Mikhailovich, 1903-1985 |
Alexandre Ossipovitch Guelfond (1906-1967) / B.M. Kedrov et A.P. Youschkevitch |
In: Archives internationales d'histoire des sciences No 86-87 (1969), p. 61-63 |
Euler, Leonhard, 1707-1783 |
Die Berliner und die Petersburger Akademie der Wissenschaften im Briefwechsel Leonhard Eulers. |
Berlin : Akademie-Verlag, 1959-1976. |
Bonifatij Mikhailovich Kedrov (1903-1985) : [in memoriam] / A.T. Grigor'yan, V.I. Kuznetsov, V.D. Parkadze, A.A.P. Yushkevich |
In: Archives internationales d'histoire des sciences Vol. 37, no 118 (1987), p. 146-148 |
Grigorjan, Asot Tigranovic, 1910-1997 |
Boris A. Rosenfeld on the 60th anniversary of his birth / by A.T. Grigoryan and A.P. Yushkevich |
In: Historia mathematica Vol. 4 (1977), p. 411-414 |
Youschkevich, Adolf Pavlovich, 1906-1993 |
C. F. Gauss and J. A. da Cunha / Adol'f P. Iuskevich |
In: Revue d'histoire des sciences T. 31 (1978), p. 327-332 |
Youschkevich, Adolf Pavlovich, 1906-1993 |
Christian Goldbach (1690-1764) / Adolf P. Juskevic, Judith Kh. Kopelevic ; aus dem Russischen übersetzt von Annerose und Walter Purkert |
Basel : Birkhäuser, 1994. |
Youschkevich, Adolf Pavlovich, 1906-1993 |
The concept of function up to the middle of the 19th century / A.P. Iushkevich |
In: Archive for history of exact sciences Vol. 16 (1976), p. 37-85 |
Youschkevich, Adolf Pavlovich, 1906-1993 |
Encounters with mathematcians / A.P. Yushkevich ; translated by Abe Shenitzer ; with the editorial assistance of Hardy Grant |
In: Golden years of Moscow mathematics. p. 1-33 |
Youschkevich, Adolf Pavlovich, 1906-1993 |
F.A. Medvedev et son apport à l'histoire de la théorie des fonctions / par A.P.Youschkevitch et S.S. Demidov et Pierre Dugac |
In: Historia mathematica Vol. 10 (1983), p. 396-398 |
Function theory according to Chebyshev, ordinary differential equations, calculus of variations, theory of finite differences / edited by A.N. Kolmogorov, A.P. Yushkevich ; translated from the Russian by Roger Cooke |
c1998. |
In: Mathematics of the 19th century. |
Geometry, analytic function theory / edited by A.N. Kolmogorov, A.P. Yushkevich |
c1996. |
In: Mathematics of the 19th century. |
Youschkevich, Adolf Pavlovich, 1906-1993 |
Geschichte der Mathematik im Mittelalter / A.P. Juschkewitsch |
Leipzig : B.G. Teubner, 1964. |
Delsedime, Piero |
L'infini numérique dans l'Arénaire d'Archimède / Piero Delsedime |
In: Archive for history of exact sciences Vol. 6 (1970), p. 345-359 |
Youschkevich, Adolf Pavlovich, 1906-1993 |
Iosif Benedictovich Pogrebysski (1906-1971) / A. P. Youschkevitch, A. T. Grigorian |
In: Revue d'histoire des sciences T. 25 (1972), p. 73-74 |
Demidov, Sergei Sergeevich, 1942- |
Isabella Grigoryevna Bashmakova : on the occasion of her 60th birthday / by S.S. Demidov, S.S. Petrova and A.P. Yushkevich |
In: Historia mathematica Vol. 8 (1981), p. 389-392 |
Demidov, Sergei Sergeevich, 1942- |
Isabella Grigoryevna Bashmakova on the 70th anniversary of her birth / S.S. Demidov, S.S. Petrova and A.P. Yushkevich |
In: Historia mathematica Vol. 18 (1991), p. 209-211 |
Youschkevich, Adolf Pavlovich, 1906-1993 |
Istorija matematiki v Rossii do 1917 goda / A.P. Youschkevitch |
Moskva : Izdatel'stvo Nauka, 1968. |
Youschkevich, Adolf Pavlovich, 1906-1993 |
Istorija matematiki v srednie veka / A.P. Juskevic |
Mockba : Gosudarstvennoe Izdat. fiziko-matemat. literatury, 1961. |
Youschkevich, Adolf Pavlovich, 1906-1993 |
J.A. de Cunha et les fondements de l'analyse infinitésimale / A.P. Youschkevitch |
In: Revue d'histoire des sciences T. 26 (1973), p. 3-22 |
Kashi, Jamshid ibn Mas'ud, ca. 1380-ca. 1429 |
Kliuch arifmetiki : traktat ob okruzhnosti / Kashi Jamshid ibn Masud ; perevod s arabskogo B.A. Rozenfel'da. Red. V.S. Segalia i A.P. Iushkevicha ; kommentarii A.P. Iushkevicha i B.A. Rozenfel'da S prilozheniem reproduktsii arabskikh rukopisei oboikh traktatov |
Moskva : Gos. izd-vo tekhniko-teoret. lit-ry, 1956. |
Gillispie, Charles Coulston, 1918-2015 |
Lazare Carnot savant / by Charles Coulston Gillispie ; a monograph treating Carnot's scientific work, with facsimile reproduction of his unpublished writings on mechanics and on the calculus, and an essay concerning the latter by A.P. Youschkevitch |
Princeton : Princeton university press, 1971. |
Gillispie, Charles Coulston, 1918-2015 |
Lazare Carnot savant et sa contribution a la théorie de l'infini mathématique / par Charles C. Gillispie et Adolf P. Youschkevitch ; avec trois mémoires inédits de Carnot |
Paris : Libr. philosophique J. Vrin, 1979. |
Leonard Ejler : sbornik statej v cest 250-letija so dnja rozdenija prestavlennych Akademii nauk SSSR / pod red. M.A. Lawrentjew, A.P. Juschkewtisch, A.T. Grigor'yan |
Moskva : Izd. Akademii nauk SSSR, 1958. |