Homburg, Ernst |
Boundaries and audiences of national histories of science : insights from the history of science and technology of the Netherlands / Ernst Homburg |
In: Nuncius Vol. 22, fasc. 2 (2008), p. 309-345 |
Zaitseva, Elena A. |
Catalytic chemistry under Stalin : science and scientists in times of repression / Elena A. Zaitseva and Ernst Homburg |
In: Shifting centres and emerging peripheries. p. 45-65 |
The chemical industry in Europe, 1850-1914 : industrial growth, pollution and professionalization / edited by Ernst Homburg, Anthony S. Travis and Harm G. Schröter |
Dordrecht : Kluwer, c1998. |
Homburg, Ernst |
Chemistry and industry : a tale of two moving targets / Ernst Homburg |
In: Isis Vol. 109 (2018), p. 565-576 |
Homburg, Ernst |
Chemistry in the Low Countries : a comparison between North and South, 1600-1900 / Ernst Homburg |
In: Neighbours and territories. International conference on the history of chemistry (6 : 2007 : Leuven) p. 65-88 |
International conference on history of chemistry (5 :, 2005 : Estoril-Lisbon) |
Chemistry, technology and society : 5th International conference on history of chemistry, 6-10 September 2005, Estoril & Lisbon : proceedings / Isabel Malaquias, Ernst Homburg, M. Elvira Callapez (editors) |
Aveiro : Sociedade portuguesa de química, 2006. |
Homburg, Ernst |
The emergence of research laboratories in the dyestuffs industry, 1870-1900 / Ernst Homburg |
In: Organic chemistry and high technology, 1850-1950. p. 91-111 |
Homburg, Ernst |
Explosives from oil: the transformation of Royal Dutch/Shell during World War I from oil to petrochemical company / Ernst Homburg |
In: Gunpowder, explosives and the state. p. 385-407 |
Homburg, Ernst |
From chemistry for the people to the wonders of technology : the popularization of chemistry in the Netherlands during the nineteenth century / Ernst Homburg |
In: Public image of chemistry. p. 151-186 |
Homburg, Ernst |
From colour maker to chemist : episodes from the rise of the colourist, 1670-1800 / Ernst Homburg |
In: Natural dyestuffs and industrial culture in Europe, 1750-1880. p. 219-257 |
Homburg, Ernst |
The Netherlands : keeping the ranks closed : the Dutch chemical society, 1903-1914 / Ernst Homburg |
In: Creating networks in chemistry. p. 186-222 |
Homburg, Ernst |
Operating on several fronts : the trans-national activities of Royal Dutch/Shell, 1914-1918 / Ernst Homburg |
In: Frontline and factory. p. 123-144 |
Homburg, Ernst |
[Recensione] / Ernst Homburg |
In: Archives internationales d'histoire des sciences Vol. 46, no 136 (1996), p. 205-207 |
Homburg, Ernst |
The rise of analytical chemistry and its consequences for the development of the German chemical profession, 1780-1860 / by Ernst Homburg |
In: Ambix Vol. 46 (1999), p. 1-32 |
Homburg, Ernst |
Shifting centres and emerging peripheries : global patterns in twentieth-century chemistry / Ernst Homburg |
In: Shifting centres and emerging peripheries. p. 3-6 |
Shifting centres and emerging peripheries : global patterns in twentieth-century chemistry / guest editor: Ernst Homburg |
In: Ambix Vol. 52 (2005), p. 1-87 |
Bertrams, Kenneth |
Solvay : history of a multinational family firm / Kenneth Bertrams, Nicolas Coupain, Ernst Homburg |
Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 2013. |
Techniek in Nederland in de negentiende eeuw / Ernst Homburg, Ben Gales en Geert Vanpaemel (red.) |
In: Gewina (Rotterdam) Jaarg. 18, nr. 4 (1995), p. 5-104 |
Homburg, Ernst |
A victory of practice over science : the unsuccessful modernisation of the Dutch white lead industry, 1780-1865 / Ernst Homburg and Johan H. de Vlieger |
In: History and technology Vol. 13, no. 1 (1996), p. 33-52 |
Homburg, Ernst |
A victory of practice over science : failed innovations in the white lead industry, 1780-1850 / Ernst Homburg, Johan H. de Vlieger |
In: Archives internationales d'histoire des sciences Vol. 46, no 136 (1996), p. 95-112 |