Annals of the Astrophysical observatory of the Smithsonian institution / by C.G. Abbott, F.E. Foyle and L.B. Aldrich |
Washington : [s.n.] |
... annual report of the Board of regents of the Smithsonian institution : showing the operations, expenditures and condition of the Institution . |
Washington : A.O.P. Nicholson public printer |
Dobbin, James C. |
The annular eclipse of May 26, 1854 / published under the authority of hon. James C. Dobbin ; by the Smithsonian Insitution |
Washington : Smithsonian institution and Nautical almanac, 1854. |
Autorizzazione all'invio, all'Istituto Smithsoniano di Washington, di un esemplare del volume di Targioni recentemente pubblicato, di quello dei "Saggi" dell'Accademia del Cimento e di altri opuscoli, per ricambiare il dono di opere e opuscoli pubblicati a spese dell'Istituto suddetto, 28 dicembre 1852 |
In: Carteggio della Direzione, gennaio - dicembre 1852 aff. 62; c. 131 m. |
Smithsonian institution (Washington) |
The books of the fairs : materials about world's fairs, 1834-1916 in the Smithsonian institution libraries / with an introductory essay by Robert W. Rydell |
Chicago : American library association, 1992. |
The clockwork universe : German clocks and automata, 1550-1650 : Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. / edited by Klaus Maurice and Otto Mayr ; [organizzata dal National Museum of history and technology, Smithsonian Institution e dal Bayerisches Nationalmuseum] |
New York : Neale Watson Academic, c1980. |
Colon y su tiempo : exposición presentada por el Instituto de cultura hispánica de Madrid, como contribución de la Commición Española para el Bicentenario de los Estados Unidos y la colaboración de la Smithsonian Institution |
Madrid : Ediciones cultura hispanica, 1976. |
9.2.4 Corrispondenti Ca, 1925-1961 |
In: Carteggio (Direzione Corsini). 1924-1961 |
7.5.2 Documentazione fotografica di strumenti ed altri oggetti delle collezioni museali, 1933-1961 |
In: Documentazione fotografica e filmati. 1933-1961 |
Explorations and field-work of the Smithsonian institution in . |
Washington : Smithsonian institution |
Extracts from the Proceedings of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution in relation to the electro-magnetic telegraph |
[S.l. : s.n., 1857?] |
Smithsonian institution (Washington) |
Manuscripts of the Dibner Collection in the Dibner Library of the history of science and technology of the Smithsonian institution libraries. |
Washington : Smithsonian institution libraries, 1985. |
Musei e collezioni : fotografie, [1900?-1979?] |
In: Fotografie Musei italiani e stranieri I: Esterni, interni, sale e vetrine. [1860?-1979?] |
Smithsonian institution (Washington) |
National museum of history and technology : with a list of donors to the National collections / Smithsonian institution |
Orologio ad acqua : set di 2 fotografie |
[presumibilmente fra 1960 e 1969] |
In: Fotografie Musei italiani e stranieri II: Strumenti |
Orologio ad acqua : set di 2 fotografie |
[presumibilmente fra 1960 e 1969] |
In: Fotografie Musei italiani e stranieri II: Strumenti |
Orologio astronomico : set di 17 fotografie |
[1966?] |
In: Fotografie Musei italiani e stranieri II: Strumenti |
Raccolta fotografica Oggetti vari, [1920?-1979?] |
5.7.1 Repliche richieste a fini di studio o esposizione (Direzione Corsini), 1932-1961 |
In: Repliche. 1932-1981 |
Smithsonian institution (Washington) |
Results of meteorological observations from the year 1854 to 1859 inclusive : made under the direction of the United States Patent office and the Smithsonian Institution : being a report of the commissioner of patents made at the first session of the thirty-sixth Congress. |
Washington : Government printing office, 1861- |
Smithsonian / Smithsonian institution |
[Washington : Smithsonian associates] |
Smithsonian institution (Washington) |
The Smithsonian Institution, 1846-1896 : the history of its first half century / edited by George Brown Goode |
Washington : [s.n.], 1897. |
The Smithsonian journal of history : an illustrated journal of general history / published quarterly by the Smithsonian Institution |
[Washington] : Smithsonian Institution |
Smithsonian institution (Washington) |
Smithsonian meteorological tables : (based on Guyot's meteorological and physical tables) |
Washington : Smithsonian Institution, 1893. |
Smithsonian research opportunities : fine arts, history, science . |
Washington : Office of education and training, Smithsonian institution |