Beeley, Philip |
The antiquity, excellence and use of musick : Wallis, Wanley and the reception of ancient Greek music in late seventeenth-century Oxford / Philip Beeley |
In: Collective wisdom. p. 155-182 |
Beeley, Philip |
Auf der Suche nach neuen Wegen : die Selbstdarstellung der Leopoldina und der Royal Society in London in ihrer Korrespondenz 1670-1677 / Philip Beeley und Christoph J. Scriba |
In: Gründung der Leopoldina, Academia naturae curiosorum, im historische Kontext. p. 305-326 |
Beyond the learned academy : the practice of mathematics, 1600-1850 / edited by Philip Beeley and Christopher Hollings. |
Oxford : Oxford university press, c2024. |
Beeley, Philip |
Christoph J. Scriba (6 October 1929-26 July 2013) [Risorsa elettronica] : in memorian / Philip Beeley |
In: Historia mathematica Vol. 41 (2014), p. 6-12 |
Beeley, Philip |
Controversy and modernity : John Wallis and the seventeenth-century debate on the nature of the angle of contact / Philip Beeley and Christoph J. Scriba |
In: Mathematics celestial and terrestrial. p. 431-450 |
Wallis, John, 1616-1703 |
The correspondence of John Wallis / editors Philip Beeley, Christoph J. Scriba ; with the assistance of Uwe Mayer and Siegmund Probst |
Oxford : Oxford university press, 2003- |
Beeley, Philip |
A designe inchoate : Edward Bernard's planned edition of Euclid and its scholarly afterlife in late seventeenth-century Oxford / Philip Beeley |
In: Reading mathematics in early modern Europe. p. 192-229 |
Beeley, Philip |
Disputed glory : John Wallis and some questions of precedence in seventeenth-century mathematics / Philip Beeley u. Christoph J. Scriba |
In: Kosmos und Zahl. p. 275-299 |
G.W. Leibniz : interrelations between mathematics and philosophy / Norma B. Goethe, Philip Beeley, David Rabouin editors. |
Dordrecht : Springer, c2015. |
Beeley, Philip |
Eine Geschichte zweier Städte : der Streit über die wahren Ursprünge der Royal Society / Philip Beeley |
In: Gründung der Leopoldina, Academia naturae curiosorum, im historische Kontext. p. 135-162 |
Beeley, Philip |
Historiographical change and editorial practice : the origins of the edition of the correspondence of John Wallis / Philip Beeley |
In: Mathematical correspondences and critical editions. p. 1-25 |
Goethe, Norma B. |
The interrelations between mathematics and philosophy in Leibniz's thought / Norma B. Goethe, Philip Beeley and David Rabouin |
In: G.W. Leibniz. p. 3-21 |
Beeley, Philip |
John Wallis / Philip Beeley and Benjamin Wardhaugh |
In: Oxford's Savilian professors of geometry. p. 29-53 |
Beeley, Philip |
John Wallis (1616-1703) : mathematician and divine / Philip Beeley, Siegmund Probst |
In: Mathematics and the divine. p. 441-457 |
Beeley, Philip |
Kontinuität und Mechanismus : zur Philosophie des iungen Leibniz in ihrem ideengenschichtlichen Kontext / Philip Beeley |
Stuttgard : Steiner, 1996. |
Beeley, Philip |
Leibniz, philosopher mathematician and mathematician philosopher / Philip Beeley |
In: G.W. Leibniz. p. 23-48 |
Beeley, Philip |
Logik und Mathematik bei John Wallis (1616-1703) / Philip Beeley |
In: Mathematik im Fluss der Zeit. Tagung zur Geschichte der Mathematik (2003 : Attendorn) p. 154-171 |
Beeley, Philip |
Mathematical businesses : seventeenth-century practitioners and their academic friends / Philip Beeley |
In: Beyond the learned academy. p. 272-311 |
Beeley, Philip |
Our learned countryman : Thomas Harriot and the emergence of mathematical community in seventeenth-century England / Philip Beeley |
In: Thomas Harriot. p. 72-102 |
Beeley, Philip |
Points, extension and the mind-body problem : remarks on the development of Leibniz's thought from the Hypothesis physica nova to the Système nouveau / Philip Beeley |
In: Leibniz's New system, 1695. p. 15-35 |
Beeley, Philip |
Practical mathematicians and mathematical practice in later seventeenth century London [Risorsa elettronica] / Philip Beeley |
In: London 1600-1800. p. 225-248 |
Beeley, Philip |
The progress of mathematick learning : John Wallis as historian of mathematics / Philip Beeley |
In: History of the history of mathematics. p. 9-30 |
Reading mathematics in early modern Europe : studies in the production, collection and use of mathematical books / edited by Philip Beeley, Yelda Nasifoglu and Benjamin Wardhaugh |
London : Routledge, 2021. |
Beeley, Philip |
Revisiting Fermat : John Wallis and the English reception of number theory in the second half of the seventeenth century / Philip Beeley |
In: Mastering the history of pure and applied mathematics. p. 11-34 |
Beeley, Philip |
Zur Geschichte eines vermeintlichen Plagiats im 17. Jahrhundert / Philip Beeley und Christoph J. Scriba |
In: Physica et historia. p. 115-129 |