Associazione subalpina Mathesis. |
1995-1996 / volume redatto a cura di E. Gallo, L. Giacardi, C.S. Roero |
[S.l. : s.n., 1996?] |
In: Conferenze e seminari. Associazione subalpina Mathesis. |
Hoyrup, Jens. |
About the Italian background to Rechenmeister mathematics / [Jens Hoyrup] |
In: Selected essays on pre- and early modern mathematical practice. Hoyrup, Jens. p. 291-345 |
Hoyrup, Jens. |
Algebra in cuneiform : introduction to an old Babylonian geometrical technique / Jens Hoyrup |
Berlin : Max Planck Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte, 2013. |
Hoyrup, Jens. |
Archimedes : knowledge and lore from Latin antiquity to the outgoing European Renaissance / [Jens Hoyrup] |
In: Selected essays on pre- and early modern mathematical practice. Hoyrup, Jens. p. 459-477 |
Hoyrup, Jens. |
Archimedes : knowledge and lore from Latin antiquity to the outgoing European Renaissance / Jens Hoyrup |
Berlin : Max Planck Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte, 2017. |
Hoyrup, Jens. |
Archimedism, not Platonism : on a malleable ideology of Renaissance mathematicians (1400 to 1600), and on its role in the formation of Seventeenth century philosophies of science / Jens Hoyrup |
In: Archimede. p. 81-110 |
Hoyrup, Jens. |
As the outsider walked in the historiography of Mesopotamian mathematics until Neugebauer / Jens Hoyrup |
In: Mathematician's journeys. p. 165-195 |
Hoyrup, Jens. |
Baroque mind-set and new science : a dialectic of seventeenth-century high culture : Sarton chair lecture, Ghent university, 13 November 2008 / [Jens Hoyrup] |
In: Selected essays on pre- and early modern mathematical practice. Hoyrup, Jens. p. 911-933 |
Hoyrup, Jens. |
Baroque mind-set and new science : a dialectic of seventeenth-century high culture / Jens Hoyrup |
Berlin : Max Planck Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte, 2008. |
Hoyrup, Jens. |
Behind Western Europe |
In: From Hesiod to Saussure, from Hippocrates to Jevons. Hoyrup, Jens. 1 |
Hoyrup, Jens. |
Broad lines : a forgotten geometrical ambiguity / [Jens Hoyrup] |
In: Selected essays on pre- and early modern mathematical practice. Hoyrup, Jens. p. 207-218 |
Hoyrup, Jens. |
Changing trends in the historiography of Mesopotamian mathematics : an insider's view / Jens Høyrup |
In: History of science Vol. 34 (1996), p. 1-32 |
Hoyrup, Jens. |
Computational techniques and computational aids in ancient Mesopotamia / Jens Hoyrup |
In: Computations and computing devices in mathematics education before the advent of electronic calculators. p. 49-63 |
Hoyrup, Jens. |
Conceptual divergence-canons and taboos-and critique : reflections on explanatory categories / [Jens Hoyrup] |
In: Selected essays on pre- and early modern mathematical practice. Hoyrup, Jens. p. 511-535 |
Hoyrup, Jens. |
Conceptual divergence-canons and taboos-and critique : reflections on explanatory categories / Jens Hoyrup |
In: Historia mathematica Vol. 31 (2004), p. 129-147 |
Hoyrup, Jens. |
Concerning the position of Heron's formula in the Metrica with a Platonic note / [Jens Hoyrup] |
In: Selected essays on pre- and early modern mathematical practice. Hoyrup, Jens. p. 219-228 |
Hoyrup, Jens. |
A diluted al-Karaji in Abbacus mathematics / [Jens Hoyrup] |
In: Selected essays on pre- and early modern mathematical practice. Hoyrup, Jens. p. 397-407 |
Hoyrup, Jens. |
Dynamis, the Babylonians and Theaetetus 147c7-148d7 / Jens Høyrup |
In: Historia mathematica Vol. 17 (1990), p. 201-222 |
Hoyrup, Jens. |
Embedding : multi-purpose device for understanding mathematics and its development, or empty generalization? / [Jens Hoyrup] |
In: Selected essays on pre- and early modern mathematical practice. Hoyrup, Jens. p. 565-590 |
Hoyrup, Jens. |
Embedding : another case of stumbling progress / [Jens Hoyrup] |
In: Selected essays on pre- and early modern mathematical practice. Hoyrup, Jens. p. 877-910 |
Hoyrup, Jens. |
Embedding : another case of stumbling progress in history of algebra / Jens Hoyrup |
In: Physis Vol. 50, n.s., fasc. 1-2 (2015), p. 1-38 |
Hoyrup, Jens. |
Existence, substantiality, and couterfactuality : observations on the status of mathematics according to Aristotle, Euclid, and others / [Jens Hoyrup] |
In: Selected essays on pre- and early modern mathematical practice. Hoyrup, Jens. p. 481-509 |
Hoyrup, Jens. |
Existence, substantiality, and couterfactuality : observations on the status of mathematics according to Aristotle, Euclid, and others / Jens Hoyrup |
In: Centaurus Vol. 44 (2002), p. 1-31 |
Hoyrup, Jens. |
Explicit and less explicit algorithmic thinking, 1200-1500 : Jordanus de Nemore, and the contrast between Barthélemy de Romans et Chuquet / Jens Hoyrup |
In: Bollettino di storia delle scienze matematiche A. 38, n. 1 (2018), p. 9-30 |
Hoyrup, Jens. |
Explorations and false trails : the innovative techniques that brought about modern algebra / Jens Hoyrup |
Cham : Springer, c2024. |