Findlen, Paula |
Academies, networks and projects : the Accademia del Cimento and its legacy / Paula Findlen |
In: Galilaeana A. 7 (2010), p. 277-298 |
Findlen, Paula |
Agostino Scilla : a Baroque painter in pursuit of science / Paula Findlen |
In: Science in the age of Baroque. p. 119-159 |
Findlen, Paula |
Always among men : Laura Bassi at the Bologna academy of sciences / Paula Findlen |
In: Laura Bassi. p. 69-94 |
Findlen, Paula |
The Anonymous Neapolitan : Faustina Pignatelli and the Bologna Academy of sciences / Paula Findlen |
In: Gendered touch. p. 161-219 |
Athanasius Kircher : the last man who knew everything / edited by Paula Findlen |
New York : Routledge, 2004. |
Camenietzki, Carlos Ziller |
Baroque science between the Old and the New World : father Kircher and his colleague Valentin Stansel (1621-1705) / Carlos Ziller Camenietzki ; translated by Paula Findlen and Derrick Allums. |
In: Athanasius Kircher. p. 311-328 |
Findlen, Paula |
Becoming a scientist : gender and knowledge in eighteenth-century Italy / Paula Findlen |
In: Scientific personae. p. 59-87 |
Findlen, Paula |
Between carnival and lent : the scientific revolution in the margins of culture / Paula Findlen |
Birds, other animals and natural curiosities / H. McBurney ...[et al.] ; with Carlo Violani ... [et al.]. |
2017. |
In: Paper museum of Cassiano dal Pozzo. |
Findlen, Paula |
The breakdown of Galileo's Roman network : crisis and community, ca. 1633 / Paula Findlen, Hannah Marcus. |
In: Social studies of science 2016, p. 1-27 |
Findlen, Paula |
Building the house of knowledge : the structures of thought in late Renaissance Europe / Paula Findlen |
In: Structure of knowledge. p. 5-51 |
Findlen, Paula |
Calculations of faith: mathematics, philosophy, and sanctity in 18th-century Italy : new work on Maria Gaetana Agnesi / Paula Findlen |
In: Historia mathematica Vol. 38 (2011), p. 248-291 |
Smith, Pamela H., 1957- |
Commerce and the representation of nature in art and science : introduction / Pamel H. Smith and Paula Findlen |
In: Merchants and marvels. p. 1-25 |
The contest for knowledge : debates over women's learning in eighteenth-century Italy / Maria Gaetana Agnesi ... [et al.] ; edited and translated by Rebecca Messbarger and Paula Findlen ; with an introduction by Rebecca Messbarger |
Chicago : The University of Chicago press, 2005. |
Findlen, Paula |
Controlling the experiment : rhetoric, court patronage and the experimental method of Francesco Redi / Paula Findlen |
In: History of science Vol. 31 (1993), p. 35-64 |
Cristina Roccati : la donna che osò studiare fisica / a cura di E. Canadelli ; da un'idea di Sergio Campagnolo |
Crocetta del Montello (Treviso) : Antiga, c2024. |
Findlen, Paula |
Dalla Patavina libertas alla libertas philosophandi / di Paula Findlen |
In: Libertas. p. 39-54 |
Findlen, Paula |
The death of a naturalist : knowledge and community in late Renaissance Italy / Paula Findlen |
In: Professors, physicians and practices in the history of medicine. p. 155-195 |
Marcus, Hannah |
Deciphering Galileo [Risorsa elettronica] : communication and secrecy before and after the trial / Hannah Marcus and Paula Findlen |
In: Renaissance quarterly Vol. 72 (2019), p. 953-995 |
Findlen, Paula |
The economy of scientific exchange in early modern Italy / Paula Findlen |
Empires of knowledge : scientific networks in the early modern world / edited by Paula Findlen |
London : Routledge, 2019. |
Florence after the Medici : Tuscan Enlightenment, 1737-1790 / edited by Corey Tazzara, Paula Findlen and Jacob Soll |
New York : Routledge, 2020. |
Findlen, Paula |
A forgotten Newtonian : women and science in the Italian provinces / Paula Findlen |
In: Sciences in enlightened Europe. p. 313-349 |
Findlen, Paula |
The formation of a scientific community : natural history in sixteenth-century Italy / Paula Findlen |
In: Natural particulars. p. 369-400 |
Findlen, Paula |
From Aldrovandi to Algarotti : the contours of science in early modern Italy / Paula Findlen |
In: British journal for the history of science Vol. 24 (1991), p. 353-360 |