Jaki, Stanley L., 1924-2009 |
A Galilei-ügy tanulságai / Jáki Szaniszló |
Budapest : Kairosz Kiadó, 2009. |
Bruno, Giordano, 1548-1600 |
The Ash Wednesday supper / Giordano Bruno ; translated with introduction and notes by Stanley L. Jaki |
The Hague : Mouton, 1975. |
Jaki, Stanley L., 1924-2009 |
Bibbia e scienza : all'origine di un rapporto inscindibile / Stanley L. Jaki ; traduzione dall'inglese di Antonio Colombo |
Verona : Fede & cultura, stampa 2016. |
Jaki, Stanley L., 1924-2009 |
Il caso o la realtà : l'interazione in natura contro la misurazione nella fisica / Stanley L. Jaki |
In: Nuovo Aeropago A. 1, n. 2 (1982), p. 28-48 |
Jaki, Stanley L., 1924-2009 |
Cosmos and creator / by Stanley L. Jaki |
Edinburgh : Scottish academic press, 1980. |
Jaki, Stanley L., 1924-2009 |
The drama of quantities / Stanley L. Jaki |
Port Huron : Real view books, 2005. |
Galileo Galilei : tra realtà e mito : itinerario antologico / a cura di Maria Elisa Bergamaschini ... [et al.] ; prefazione di Luigi Negri |
Castel Bolognese : Itaca, 2000. |
Galileo Galilei : mito e realtà : itinerario antologico / a cura di Franco Tornaghi e Gabriele Mangiarotti ; con la collaborazione di Mario Gargantini ... [et al.] ; prefazione di Luigi Negri |
Milano : Ce.Se.D, stampa 1997. |
Jaki, Stanley L., 1924-2009 |
Galileo lessons / Stanley L. Jaki |
Pinckney : Real view books, 2001. |
Jaki, Stanley L., 1924-2009 |
Das Gravitations-Paradoxon des unendlichen Universums / von Stanley L. Jaki |
In: Sudhoffs Archiv Bd. 63 (1979), p. 105-122 |
Duhem, Pierre, 1861-1916 |
Lettres de Pierre Duhem à sa fille Hélène / présentées par Stanley L. Jaki |
Paris : Beauchesne, c1994. |
Jaki, Stanley L., 1924-2009 |
Lezioni da Galileo / Stanley L. Jaki |
Roma : Ateneo pontificio Regina apostolorum, 2014. |
Jaki, Stanley L., 1924-2009 |
A mennyiségek drámája / Jáki Szaniszló ; [Való Vilaág Alapítvány kiadása] |
Budapest : Való Világ, 2005. |
Jaki, Stanley L., 1924-2009 |
The Milky Way : an elusive road for science / Stanley L. Jaki |
New York : Science history publications, a division of Neale Watson academic publications, 1972. |
Jaki, Stanley L., 1924-2009 |
The Milky Way before Galileo / Stanley L. Jaki |
In: Journal for the history of astronomy Vol. 2 (1971), p. 161-167 |
Jaki, Stanley L., 1924-2009 |
The Milky Way from Galileo to Wright / Stanley L. Jaki |
In: Journal for the history of astronomy Vol. 3 (1972), p. 199-204 |
Jaki, Stanley L., 1924-2009 |
New light on Olbers's dependence on Chéseaux / Stanley L. Jaki |
In: Journal for the history of astronomy Vol. 1 (1970), p. 53-55 |
Jaki, Stanley L., 1924-2009 |
The origin of science and the science of its origin / Stanley L. Jaki |
Edinburgh : Scottish Academic press, 1978. |
Jaki, Stanley L., 1924-2009 |
The original formulation of the Titius-Bode law / Stanley L. Jaki |
In: Journal for the history of astronomy Vol. 3 (1972), p. 136-138 |
Duhem, Pierre, 1861-1916 |
The origins of statics : the sources of physical theory / Pierre Duhem ; translated from the French by Grant F. Leneaux, Victor N. Vagliente, Guy H. Wagener ; with a foreword by Stanley L. Jaki |
Dordrecht : Kluwer, c1991. |
Jaki, Stanley L., 1924-2009 |
Oscillating worlds and wavering minds / [Stanley L. Jaki] |
The physicist as artist : the landscapes of Pierre Duhem / Stanley L. Jaki (ed.) |
Edinburgh : Scottish academic press, 1988. |
Jaki, Stanley L., 1924-2009 |
Pierre Duhem : homme de science et de foi / par Stanley L. Jaki ; traduit de l'anglais par François Raymondaud |
Paris : Beauchesne, c1990. |
Stoffel, Jean-François. |
Pierre Duhem et ses doctorands : bibliographie de la littérature primaire et secondaire / établie par Jean-François Stoffel ; introduction de Stanley L. Jaki |
Louvain-la-Neuve : Centre interfacultaire d'étude en histoire des sciences, 1996. |
Jaki, Stanley L., 1924-2009 |
Planets and planetarians : a history of theories of the origin of planetary systems / Stanley L. Jaki |
Edinburgh : Scottish academic press, 1978. |