Laudan, Larry Lynn, 1941- |
Aim-less epistemology? / Larry Laudan |
In: Studies in history and philosophy of science Vol. 21 (1990), p. 315-322 |
Laudan, Larry Lynn, 1941- |
Un approccio al progresso scientifico fondato sulla soluzione di problemi / di Larry Laudan |
In: Rivoluzioni scientifiche. p. 189-208 |
Laudan, Larry Lynn, 1941- |
Beyond positivism and relativism : theory, method, and evidence / Larry Laudan |
Boulder : Westview press, 1996. |
Laudan, Larry Lynn, 1941- |
The clock metaphor and probabilism : the impact of Descartes on English methodological thought, 1650-65 / by Laurens Laudan |
In: Annals of science Vol. 22 (1966), p. 73-104 |
Laudan, Larry Lynn, 1941- |
Un commento revisionista sull'importanza metodologica della meccanica galileana / Larry Laudan |
In: Scienza e ipotesi. Laudan, Larry Lynn 1941- . p. 26-32 |
Laudan, Larry Lynn, 1941- |
Conceptual problems re-visited / Larry Laudan |
In: Studies in history and philosophy of science Vol. 19 (1988), p. 531-534 |
Laudan, Larry Lynn, 1941- |
The demise of the demarcation problem / Larry Laudan |
Whewell, William, 1794-1866 |
The historical and philosophical works of William Whewell / collected and edited by G. Buchdahl and L.L. Laudan |
London : Frank Cass & Co, [196-?]- |
Laudan, Larry Lynn, 1941- |
The idea of physical theory from Galileo to Newton : studies in seventeenth-century methodology / Larry Lynn Laudan |
Ann Arbor : UMI, printing 2005. |
Laudan, Larry Lynn, 1941- |
A problem-solving approach to scientific progress / Larry Laudan |
Laudan, Larry Lynn, 1941- |
Problems, truth and consistency / Larry Laudan |
In: Studies in history and philosophy of science Vol. 13 (1982), p. 73-80 |
Laudan, Larry Lynn, 1941- |
Il progresso scientifico : prospettive per una teoria / Larry Laudan ; [traduzione di Emanuele Riverso] |
Roma : A. Armando, c1979. |
Laudan, Larry Lynn, 1941- |
The re-emergence of hyphenated history-and-philosophy-of-science and the testing of theories of scientific change [Risorsa elettronica] / Larry Laudan |
In: Testing structural realism. p. 74-77 |
Laudan, Larry Lynn, 1941- |
[Recensione] / L. Laudan |
In: British journal for the history of science Vol. 20 (1969), p. 180-181 |
Laudan, Larry Lynn, 1941- |
[Recensione] / Laurens Laudan |
In: Archives internationales d'histoire des sciences No 84-85 (1968), p. 321-322 |
Laudan, Larry Lynn, 1941- |
[Recensione] / L. Laudan |
In: Chemistry in Britain Vol. 3 (1967), p. 310 |
Laudan, Larry Lynn, 1941- |
[Recensione] / Laurens Laudan |
In: Archives internationales d'histoire des sciences No 72-73 (1965), p. 314-316 |
Laudan, Larry Lynn, 1941- |
A revisionist note on the methodological significance of Galilean mechanics / [Larry Laudan] |
In: Science and hypothesis. Laudan, Larry Lynn 1941- . p. 20-26 |
Rivoluzioni scientifiche / P.K. Feyerabend ... [et al.] ; a cura di Ian Hacking ; prefazione di Giulio Giorello ; [traduzione di Libero Sosio] |
Roma : Laterza, 1984. |
Laudan, Larry Lynn, 1941- |
Il ruolo della tradizione nella razionalità scientifica : come è possibile il mutamento fondamentale in una disciplina conservatrice? / Larry Laudan |
In: Storia della filosofia, storia della scienza. p. 111-128 |
Laudan, Larry Lynn, 1941- |
Science and hypothesis : historical essays on scientific methodology / Larry Laudan |
Dordrecht : Reidel, 1981. |
Laudan, Larry Lynn, 1941- |
La scienza e i valori / Larry Laudan ; [traduzione di Enrico Prodi] |
Roma : Laterza, 1987. |
Laudan, Larry Lynn, 1941- |
Scienza e ipotesi / Larry Laudan ; [traduzione di Rosalba Camedda] |
Roma : A. Armando, c1984. |
Scrutinizing science : empirical studies of scientific change / edited by Arthur Donovan, Larry Laudan and Rachel Laudan |
Baltimore : The Johns Hopkins university press, 1992. |
Laudan, Larry Lynn, 1941- |
Teorias do método científico de Platao a Mach / Larry Laudan ; trad. Balthazar Barbosa Filho |
In: Cadernos de história e filosofia da ciência Sér 3, vol. 10, n. 2 (jul./dez. 2000), p. 1-140 |