Brentjes, Sonja |
Ahmad al-Karabisi's commentary on Euclid's Elements / Sonja Brentjes. |
In: Sic itur ad astra. p. 31-75 |
Brentjes, Sonja |
The Arabic transmission of knowledge on the balance / Sonja Brentjes and Jürgen Renn |
Berlin : Max Planck Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte, 2013. |
Archimede : arte e scienza dell'invenzione |
Firenze : Giunti, 2013. |
Archimedes : the art and science of invention |
Firenze : Giunti, 2013. |
Brentjes, Sonja |
The astral sciences through the 7th/13th century / Sonja Brentjes. |
In: Late antiquity, translating and the formation of the sciences in Islamicate polities, 1st BH-7th/5th-13th centuries. p. 80-95 |
Brentjes, Sonja |
Astronomy a temptation? : on early modern encounters across the Mediterranean sea / Sonja Brentjes. |
In: Astronomy as a model for the sciences in early modern times. p. 15-45 |
Brentjes, Sonja |
Ayyubid princes and their scholarly clients from the ancient sciences / [Sonja Brentjes] |
In: Sciences in Islamicate societies in context. Brentjes, Sonja. p. 48-80 |
Certainty, doubt, error : aspects of the practice of pre- and early modern science : in honour of David A. King / edited by Sonja Brentjes, Benno van Dalen and François Charette |
In: Early science and medicine Vol. 7, no 3 (2002), p. 173-310 |
Companion to science, technology and medicine in ancient Greece and Rome / edited by Georgia L. Irby |
Chichester : Wiley, 2016. |
Brentjes, Sonja |
Courtly patronage of the ancient sciences in post-classical Islamic societies / [Sonja Brentjes] |
In: Sciences in Islamicate societies in context. Brentjes, Sonja. p. 107-132 |
Brentjes, Sonja |
Crossing boundaries : new approaches to the history of pre-modern science and technology / Sonja Brentjes. |
In: Crossing boundaries. p. 381-384 |
Crossing boundaries / edited by Sonja Brentjes, guest editor, and Snait Gissis. |
In: Science in context vol. 12, no. 3 (Autumn 1999), p. 381-484 |
Brentjes, Sonja |
Die erste Risâla der Rasâ'il Ihwân as-Safâ' über elementare Zahlentheorie : ihr mathematischer Gehalt und ihre Beziehungen zu Spätantiken arithmetischen Schriften / von Sonja Brentjes. |
In: Janus 71 (1984), p. 181-274 |
Schreiber, Peter |
Euklid / Peter Schreiber ; unter Mitwirkung von Sonja Brentjes. |
Leipzig : BSB Teubner, 1987. |
Brentjes, Sonja |
An exciting new Arabic version of Euclid's Elements : ms Mumbai, Mulla Firuz R.I.6 / Sonja Brentjes. |
In: Revue d'histoire des mathématiques T. 12, fasc. 2 (2006), p. 169-197 |
Brentjes, Sonja |
Fourteenth-century portolan charts : challenges to our understanding of cross-cultural relationships in the Mediterranean and Black Sea regions and of (knowledge?) practices of chart-makers / Alexander S. Blum |
In: Reader for the Meeting of the Scientific advisory board 2015, Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Max Planck Institute for the history of science. p. 29-80 |
Brentjes, Sonja |
Hans Wussing (1927-2011) / Sonja Brentjes. |
In: Isis Vol. 103 (2012), p. 371-375 |
Brentjes, Sonja |
Historiographie der Mathematik im islamischen Mittelalter / Sonja Brentjes. |
In: Archives internationales d'histoire des sciences Vol. 42, no 128 (1992), p. 27-63 |
Brentjes, Sonja |
Historiography of the history of science in Islamicate societies : practices, concepts, questions / Sonja Brentjes. |
London : Routledge, 2024. |
Imagining the Heavens [Risorsa elettronica] : historiographical challenges and Eurasian perspectives / Sonja Brentjes & Dagmar Schäfer, eds. |
In: NTM Vol. 28, issue 3(2020), p. 451-479 |
Brentjes, Sonja |
The interests of the Republic of letters in the Middle East, 1550-1700 / Sonja Brentjes. |
In: Crossing boundaries. p. 435-468 |
Brentjes, Sonja |
Das Kapitel zur Zahlentheorie in den Problemen der Philosophie von al-Hindi / Sonja Brentjes. |
In: Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Arabisch-Islamischen Wissenschaften Bd. 4 (1987-88), p. 33-50 |
Brentjes, Sonja |
The language of patronage in Islamic societies before 1700 / [Sonja Brentjes] |
In: Sciences in Islamicate societies in context. Brentjes, Sonja. p. 133-143 |
Brentjes, Sonja |
Madrasas and the sciences / Sonja Brentjes and Abdelmalek Bouzari |
In: Learning and collecting institutions. p. 378-393 |
Brentjes, Sonja |
Mathematical commentaries in Arabic and Persian [Risorsa elettronica] : purposes, forms and styles / Sonja Brentjes. |
In: On mathemata. p. 54-66 |