Gingerich, Owen, 1930-2023 |
Ad astra per aspera [Risorsa elettronica] : from the sewers of Kansas to Harvard college observatory / Owen Gingerich ; edited by David DeVorkin, James Evans, and Richard L Kremer |
In: Journal for the history of astronomy Vol. 55 (2024), p. 3-30 |
Evans, James, 1948- |
The Antikythera mechanism / James C. Evans. |
In: Hellenistic astronomy. p. 340-349 |
Gislén, Lars. |
The artful early instruments of Peter Apian [Risorsa elettronica] : Ein kunstlich Instrument of 1524, its precursors and its successors / Lars Gislén and James Evans. |
In: Journal for the history of astronomy Vol. 55 (2024), p. 207-278 |
Evans, James, 1948- |
The astrologer's apparatus : a picture of professional practice in Greco-Roman Egypt / James Evans. |
In: Journal for the history of astronomy Vol. 35 (2004), p. 1-44 |
Evans, James, 1948- |
Babylonian solar theory on the Antikythera mechanism [Risorsa elettronica] / James Evans, Christián C. Carman |
In: Archive for history of exact sciences Vol. 73 (2019), p. 619-659 |
Lochak, Georges. |
A complementary opposition : Louis de Broglie and Werner Heisenberg / Georges Lochak ; translated by James Evans. |
In: Quantum mechanics at the crossroads. p. 73-80 |
Evans, James, 1948- |
Contexts and challenges for quantum mechanics : introduction / James Evans. |
In: Quantum mechanics at the crossroads. p. 1-20 |
Evans, James, 1948- |
Fonction et origine probable du point équant de Ptolémée / James Evans. |
In: Revue d'histoire des sciences T. 37 (1984), p. 193-213 |
Evans, James, 1948- |
Fraud and illusion in the anti-Newtonian rear guard : the Coultaud-Mercier affair and Bertier's experiments, 1767-1777 / James Evans. |
In: Isis 87 (1996), p. 74-107 |
Evans, James, 1948- |
Geminos's Introduction to the Phenomena : a translation and study of a hellenistic survey of astronomy / James Evans and J. Lennart Berggren |
Princeton : Princeton university press, 2006. |
Evans, James, 1948- |
Gravity in the century of light : sources, construction and reception of Le Sage's theory of gravitation / James Evans. |
In: Pushing gravity. p. 9-40 |
Evans, James, 1948- |
Histoire et pratique de l'astronomie ancienne / James Evans ; traduit par Alain Philippe Segonds ; revue par Concetta Luna et Michel Lerner |
Paris : Les belles lettres, 2016. |
Evans, James, 1948- |
The history & practice of ancient astronomy / James Evans. |
New York : Oxford university press, 1998. |
Evans, James, 1948- |
The material culture of Greek astronomy / James Evans. |
In: Journal for the history of astronomy Vol. 30 (1999), p. 237-307 |
Evans, James, 1948- |
Mechanics and imagination in ancient Greek astronomy : sphairopoiïa as image and tool / James Evans. |
In: Alexandrian tradition. p. 35-72 |
Evans, James, 1948- |
Michael Hoskin (1930-2021) [Risorsa elettronica] / James Evans, Richard L. Kremer |
In: Journal for the history of astronomy Vol. 53 (2022), p. 120-123 |
Evans, James, 1948- |
A miniature ivory sundial with eqiunox Ptolemaic Tanis, Egypt / James Evans and Marcel Marée |
In: Journal for the history of astronomy Vol. 39 (2008), p. 1-17 |
Kremer, Richard L. |
Noel M. Swerdlow (1941-2021) [Risorsa elettronica] / Richard L. Kremer, James Evans. |
In: Journal for the history of astronomy Vol. 53 (2022), p. 364-368 |
Evans, James, 1948- |
On the origin of the Ptolemaic star catalogue / James Evans. |
In: Journal for the history of astronomy Vol. 18 (1987), p. 155-172 |
Evans, James, 1948- |
On the origin of the Ptolemaic star catalogue / James Evans. |
In: Journal for the history of astronomy Vol. 18 (1987), p. 233-278 |
Carman, Christián C. |
On the pin-and-slot device of the Antikythera mechanism, with a new application to the superior planets / Christián C. Carman, Alan Thorndike and James Evans. |
In: Journal for the history of astronomy Vol. 43 (2012), p. 94-116 |
Evans, James, 1948- |
The origins of Ptolemy's cosmos / James Evans. |
In: Cosmology through time. p. 123-132 |
Kremer, Richard L. |
Owen Gingerich (1930-2023) [Risorsa elettronica] / Richard L. Kremer and James Evans. |
In: Journal for the history of astronomy Vol. 54 (2023), p. 353-359 |
The Oxford illustrated history of science / edited by Iwan Rhys Morus. |
Oxford : Oxford university press, 2017. |
Evans, James, 1948- |
Ptolemaic planetary hypotheses / James C. Evans. |
In: Hellenistic astronomy. p. 112-124 |