Eastwood, Bruce Stansfield, 1938- |
Al-Farabi on extramission, intromission, and the use of Platonic visual theory / Bruce S. Eastwood |
In: Isis Vol. 70 (1979), p. 423-425 |
Eastwood, Bruce Stansfield, 1938- |
Alhazen, Leonardo and late-medieval speculation on the inversion of images in the eye / Bruce Eastwood |
In: Annals of science Vol. 43 (1986), p. 413-446 |
Eastwood, Bruce Stansfield, 1938- |
Astronomical images and planetary theory in Carolingian studies of Martianus Capella / [Bruce S. Eastwood] |
In: Revival of planetary astronomy in Carolingian and post-Carolingian Europe. Eastwood, Bruce Stansfield 1938- [Study VII] |
Eastwood, Bruce Stansfield, 1938- |
Astronomical images and planetary theory in Carolingian studies of Martianus Capella / Bruce S. Eastwood |
In: Journal for the history of astronomy Vol. 31 (2000), p. 1-28 |
Eastwood, Bruce Stansfield, 1938- |
The astronomies of Pliny, Martianus Capella and Isidore of Seville in the Carolingian world / [Bruce S. Eastwood] |
In: Revival of planetary astronomy in Carolingian and post-Carolingian Europe. Eastwood, Bruce Stansfield 1938- [Study VI] |
Eastwood, Bruce Stansfield, 1938- |
Astronomy and optics from Pliny to Descartes : texts, diagrams and conceptual structures / Bruce S. Eastwood |
London : Variorum Reprints, 1989. |
Eastwood, Bruce Stansfield, 1938- |
Astronomy in Christian Latin Europe : c. 500-c. 1150 / Bruce Stansfield Eastwood |
In: Journal for the history of astronomy Vol. 28 (1997), p. 235-258 |
Eastwood, Bruce Stansfield, 1938- |
Astronomy in Christian Latin Europe, c. 500-c. 1150 / [Bruce S. Eastwood] |
In: Revival of planetary astronomy in Carolingian and post-Carolingian Europe. Eastwood, Bruce Stansfield 1938- [Study I] |
Eastwood, Bruce Stansfield, 1938- |
The astronomy of Macrobius in Carolingian Europe : Dungal's letter of 811 to Charles the Great / [Bruce S. Eastwood] |
In: Revival of planetary astronomy in Carolingian and post-Carolingian Europe. Eastwood, Bruce Stansfield 1938- [Study V] |
Eastwood, Bruce Stansfield, 1938- |
Averroes' view of the retina : a reappraisal / Bruce S. Eastwood |
In: Journal of the history of medicine and allied sciences Vol. 24 (1969), p. 77-82 |
Eastwood, Bruce Stansfield, 1938- |
Calcidius's Commentary on Plato's Timaeus in Latin astronomy of the ninth to eleventh centuries / Bruce S. Eastwood |
In: Between demonstration and imagination. p. 171-209 |
Eastwood, Bruce Stansfield, 1938- |
Calcidius's Commentary on Plato's Timaeus in Latin astronomy of the ninth to eleventh centuries / [Bruce S. Eastwood] |
In: Revival of planetary astronomy in Carolingian and post-Carolingian Europe. Eastwood, Bruce Stansfield 1938- [Study X] |
Eastwood, Bruce Stansfield, 1938- |
Characteristics of the Plinian astronomical diagrams in a Bodleian palimpsest, Ms. D'Orville 95, ff. 25-38 / by Bruce Stansfield Eastwood |
In: Sudhoffs Archiv Bd. 67 (1983), p. 2-12 |
Eastwood, Bruce Stansfield, 1938- |
The chaster path of Venus, orbis Veneris castior, in the astronomy of Martianus Capella / Bruce Stansfield Eastwood |
In: Archives internationales d'histoire des sciences Vol. 32, no 109 (1982), p. 145-158 |
Eastwood, Bruce Stansfield, 1938- |
Descartes on refraction : scientific versus rhetorical method / Bruce Stansfield Eastwood |
In: Isis Vol. 75 (1984), p. 481-502 |
Eastwood, Bruce Stansfield, 1938- |
The diagram of the four elements in the oldest manuscripts of Isidore's De natura rerum / Bruce S. Eastwood |
In: Studi medievali 3. ser., a. 42, fasc. 2 (2001), p. 547-564 |
Eastwood, Bruce Stansfield, 1938- |
The diagram spera celestis in the Hortus deliciarum : a confused amalgam from the astronomies of Pliny and Martianus Capella / Bruce Stansfield Eastwood |
In: Annali dell'Istituto e Museo di storia della scienza di Firenze A. 6, fasc. 1 (1981), p. 177-186 |
Eastwood, Bruce Stansfield, 1938- |
The elements of vision : the micro-cosmology of Galenic visual theory according to Hunayn ibn Ishaq / Bruce Stansfield Eastwood |
Philadelphia : The American philosophical society, 1982. |
Eastwood, Bruce Stansfield, 1938- |
Heraclides and heliocentrism : texts, diagrams, and interpretations / [Bruce Stansfield Eastwood] |
In: Revival of planetary astronomy in Carolingian and post-Carolingian Europe. Eastwood, Bruce Stansfield 1938- [Study IX] |
Eastwood, Bruce Stansfield, 1938- |
Heraclides and heliocentrism : texts, diagrams and interpretations / Bruce Stansfield Eastwood |
In: Journal for the history of astronomy Vol. 23 (1992), p. 233-260 |
Eastwood, Bruce Stansfield, 1938- |
Johannes Scottus Eriugena, sun-centred Planets, and Carolingian astronomy / Bruce Stansfield Eastwood |
In: Journal for the history of astronomy Vol. 32 (2001), p. 281-324 |
Eastwood, Bruce Stansfield, 1938- |
Latin planetary studies in the IXth and Xth centuries / Bruce Eastwood |
In: Oldest Latin astrolabe. p. 217-226 |
Medieval science / edited by David C. Lindberg, Michael H. Shank |
2015. |
In: Cambridge history of science. 2 |
Eastwood, Bruce Stansfield, 1938- |
Methaphysical derivations of a law of refraction : Damianos and Grosseteste / Bruce S. Eastwood |
In: Archive for history of exact sciences Vol. 6 (1970), p. 224-236 |
Eastwood, Bruce Stansfield, 1938- |
On the continuity of western science from the Middle Ages : A.C. Crombie's Augustine to Galileo / Bruce S. Eastwood |
In: Isis Vol. 83 (1992), p. 84-99 |