Levere, Trevor Harvey, 1944-2022 |
Affinity and matter : elements of chemical philosophy, 1800-1865 / by Trevor H. Levere |
Oxford : Clarendon press, 1971. |
Levere, Trevor Harvey, 1944-2022 |
Affinity or structure : an early problem in organic chemistry / by Trevor H. Levere |
In: Ambix Vol. 17 (1970), p. 111-126 |
Levere, Trevor Harvey, 1944-2022 |
Between Enlightenment and Romanticism : the case of dr. Thomas Beddoes / Trevor H. Levere |
In: Hans Christian Orsted and the romantic legacy in science. p. 259-272 |
Cranmer-Byng, John L. |
A case study in cultural collision : scientific apparatus in the Macartney embassy to China / J.L. Cranmer-Byng and Trevor H. Levere |
In: Annals of science Vol. 38 (1981), p. 503-525 |
Levere, Trevor Harvey, 1944-2022 |
Chemists and chemistry in nature and society, 1770-1870 / Trevor H. Levere |
Aldershot : Variorum, 1994. |
Levere, Trevor Harvey, 1944-2022 |
Chronometers on the Arctic expeditions of John Ross and William Edward Parry : with notes on a letter from Messrs. William Parkinson & William James Frodsham / Trevor H. Levere |
In: Annals of science Vol. 51 (1994), p. 165-175 |
Miller, David, 1942- |
David Roger Oldroyd (20 January 1936-7 November 2014) : an appreciation / David Miller, Rob Iliffe, and Trevor Levere |
In: Annals of science Vol. 72 (2015), p. 1 |
Coffee house philosophical society (London) |
Discussing chemistry and steam : the minutes of a coffee house philosophical society, 1780-1787 / [edited by] T.H. Levere & G. L'E. Turner ; with contributions from Jan Golinski & Larry Stewart |
Oxford : Oxford university press, 2002. |
Levere, Trevor Harvey, 1944-2022 |
The dissemination of chemical theory and chemical instruments through cabinets, laboratories, lecture theatres and museums during the Napoleonic wars / Trevor H. Levere |
In: Spaces of enlightenment science. p. 110-136 |
Levere, Trevor Harvey, 1944-2022 |
Dr. Thomas Beddoes (1750-1808) : science and medicine in politics and society / Trevor H. Levere |
In: British journal for the history of science Vol. 17 (1984), p. 187-204 |
Levere, Trevor Harvey, 1944-2022 |
Dr. Thomas Beddoes (1760-1808) : chemistry, medicine and books in the French and chemical revolutions / Trevor H. Levere |
In: New narratives in eighteenth-century chemistry. Francis Bacon workshop (1 : 2005 : Pasadena) p. 157-176 |
Levere, Trevor Harvey, 1944-2022 |
Dr. Thomas Beddoes at Oxford : radical politics in 1788-1793 and the fate of the regius chair in chemistry / by Trevor H. Levere |
In: Ambix Vol. 28 (1981), p. 61-69 |
Editing texts in the history of science and medicine / Trevor H. Levere (ed.) |
New York : Garland, 1982. |
The Enlightenment of Thomas Beddoes : science, medicine and reform / by Trevor Levere ... [et al.]. |
London : Routledge, 2017. |
Drake, Stillman, 1910-1993 |
Essays on Galileo and the history and philosophy of science / Stillman Drake ; selected and introduced by N.M. Swerdlow and T.H. Levere |
Toronto : University of Toronto press, c1999. |
Levere, Trevor Harvey, 1944-2022 |
Faraday, matter and natural theology : reflections on an unpublished manuscript / by T.H. Levere |
In: British journal for the history of science Vol. 4 (1968), p. 95-107 |
Levere, Trevor Harvey, 1944-2022 |
The history of science of Canada / Trevor H. Levere |
In: British journal for the history of science Vol. 21 (1988), p. 419-425 |
Miller, David, 1942- |
Inhale it and see? the collaboration between Thomas Beddoes and James Watt in pneumatic medicine / David Philip Miller, Trevor H. Levere |
In: Ambix Vol. 55 (2008), p. 5-28 |
Instruments and experimentation in the history of chemistry / edited by Frederic L. Holmes and Trevor H. Levere |
Cambridge (Mass.) : the MIT press, c2000. |
Miller, David, 1942- |
Ivor Owen Grattan-Guinness (1941-2014) / David Philip Miller, Rob Iliffe, Trevor Levere |
In: Annals of science Vol. 72 (2015), p. 276-278 |
Levere, Trevor Harvey, 1944-2022 |
Kenneth O. May (1915-1977) / Trevor H. Levere |
In: Archives internationales d'histoire des sciences Vol. 31, no 106 (1981), p. 199-200 |
Levere, Trevor Harvey, 1944-2022 |
Lavoisier's gasometer and others research, control and dissemination / Trevor H. Levere |
In: Lavoisier in perspective. p. 53-67 |
Levere, Trevor Harvey, 1944-2022 |
Magnetic instruments in the Canadian Arctic expeditions of Franklin, Lefroy, and Nares / Trevor H. Levere |
In: Annals of science Vol. 43 (1986), p. 57-76 |
Marum, Martinus van, 1750-1837 |
Martinus van Marum : life and work / edited by R.J. Forbes [vol. 1-3], E. Lefebvre and J.G. de Bruijn [vol. 4-6] |
Haarlem : H.D. Tjeenk Willink & Zoon, 1969-1976. |
Levere, Trevor Harvey, 1944-2022 |
Martinus van Marum (1750-1837) : the introduction of Lavoisier's chemistry into the Low Countries / by T.H. Levere |
In: Janus Vol. 53 (1966), p. 115-134 |